The team behind the Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories TV anime has announced its 12th season, scheduled to debut on TV Tokyo in January 2024. This season will revolve around the concept of “rules.”
Expect a stellar cast, including Kanji Tsuda, Ryō Shinoda, Yutaka Shimizu, Ponzu, Jujumaru Honda, Seiyū Yoshida, Asuka Nagatsuki, Yō Koizumi, Yūka Shidomi, Satoko Tsuchiya, and Saori Aoki.
Akira Funada returns as the director, with production by studio ILCA in collaboration with ILCASHIPS. The script, crafted by Hiromu Kumamoto, Mitsuhi Sasagi, Choji Yoshikawa, and Saori Aoki, promises an enthralling narrative. Muto Shoma handles storyboarding, while the animation team includes talents like Yū Ebihara, Momoka Higurashi, jimmy, “nishiyama&rie,” Seidō Kawanabe, Utano Hongo, and Tadao Yamagawa.
The original Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories series featured six-minute horror tales inspired by urban legends set in modern times, drawing influence from Shōwa-era illustrated paper theater (kamishibai) productions.
The anime premiered its first season in July 2013, with the 11th season airing most recently in July.
The project has sparked spinoffs such as The World Yamizukan and Ninja Collection, all well-received by audiences. Fans eagerly anticipate the 12th season’s premiere.
A live-action adaptation of the anime debuted in Japan in September 2020, and Crunchyroll streamed the series.
Sources: Yami Shibai‘s website, Comic Natalie