Manga News

Until February Setona Mizushiro Puts Manga Sekai de Ichiban

On Tuesday it was disclosed by the first 2020 issue of Kodansha‘s Evening magazine that manga Sekai de Ichiban, Ore ga ◯◯ will be paused until the 6th issue of the magazine which will be dispatched on February 25.

In June 2016 the manga was commenced in Evening by Mizushiro. On August 23 the 7th assembled volume was dispatched by Kodansha. This series is the first work of Mizushiro in the magazine aiming the male population

The manga revolves around three men one who works for a remote organization, one who works for a dark organization (sweatshop-like working conditions), and one who is jobless and something that happens when they get together. The three men take an interest in a game wherein the unhappiest one among them gets a desire.

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