Top 5 Original Anime from 2015 to 2019

Top 5 Original Anime from 2015 to 2019

Top 5 Original Anime from 2015 to 2019

Anime are usually the adaptation of the manga or light novels or any video game. It’s very unusual to see anime that are entirely original. Some of these original anime are so good that keeps the viewers excited as there is no source of getting any information regarding what comes next and the excitement get bigger till the end.

Here is the list of top 5 original anime that we have seen in 5 years from 2015 till the ending season of 2019. Let’s take a look back to the most interesting anime since 2015 that we can never forget about.

Yuri!!! on Ice

Although it is a sports anime but some of its appealing elements makes it unique and different from other sports anime which include mature protagonist, beautiful and animations with attractive visuals of ice skating during the moments of competition and the most importantly the gay relationship which is shown is a very sweet and smooth manner.  In Japan the LGBT is either very much appreciated or disgusted by other so it was a big deal to show two male characters kissing in the Japanese anime. Yuri on Ice had a great impact on the anime world and highly recommended to anime fans.

Zombieland Saga

You may have seen a lot of anime with the idol themes but Zombieland Saga had a different approach with zombies being the singing band. The band consist of seven girls from various times of Japan in the past and team up for the sake of Saga district without letting anyone know about their true identity. The anime is not just entertaining (particularly the scenes of their lively manager) but also deals with some social issues like transgender, imposter syndrome and culture shock. Season 2 of the anime will be airing this year so it’s a must watch before the next season starts.

A Place Further Than the Universe

There are a lot of fantasy anime that shows the adventures of its characters but A Place Further Than The Universe is has its own spark when it comes to adventure story. It focuses on a group of four high school girls who goes to Antarctica in search of mother of one of these four girls who was Antarctic researcher and disappeared three years back. It was Shirase’s idea to travel to Antarctica to find her mother along with her friends Hinata, Yuzuki and Kimari. It’s a sweet story about living the life to the fullest and making dreams true but thre are some moments that will make you wonder about the dark reality of the world. The anime is a must-watch.

Death Parade

Death Parade has all the elements that we yearn to watch in an original anime which include a unique story, gorgeous animation and a captivating plot from start till end. It is an anime with the climax that will make you think about life and death for many days. The story revolves around a bar, Quindecim where souls arrive in afterlife to know about their fate as they will either reincarnated or thrown in the void. Decim is the bartender who makes them play a game where their true feelings and cruelest truths are revealed which represents their true nature. Death Parade is a thought provoking anime with some intriguing characters. It is one of the most interesting anime that is hard to forget.

Your Name

Your Name is not just popular among anime fans but this critically acclaimed anime is famous among non-anime viewers all around the world. The record breaking anime is in any way overrated as it has been winning awards for a reason that can’t be denied by anyone. Your Name is an appealing movie by Makato Shinkai who also created 5 Centimeters Per Second. The story is about two teenagers who get acquainted to each other in a very unusual way beyond the limits of time and reality. When they struggle to meet each other, the story takes a romantic turn in a beautiful and heartwarming way. The anime is highly recommended to every anime and non-anime fans.

Top 5 Original Anime from 2015 to 2019

Some other original anime worth mentioning include Carole and Tuesday, Sarazanmai, 91 Days and Children of the Whales which are intriguing and recommended to those who like to watch original anime series.

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