Tokyo Ghoul:re Volume 16: Review
Manga Reviews

Tokyo Ghoul:re Volume 16: Review

 Tokyo Ghoul:re Volume 16: Review

There is a reason why we all love something which is both horrid and yet appealing at the same time. Fans of Tokyo Ghoul know how it feels as they have experienced the fascinating scene of a child watching an earthworm struggling to death and we all understand why this disgusting and horrifying moment is so entertaining. Probably it’s just the fans of Tokyo Ghoul who enjoy gruesome moments like these and find them rather entertaining. The world of Tokyo Ghoul is horrifying but it is deniably beautiful and visually appealing. In this article, we will be discussing all good and bad point about Volume 16 of Tokyo Ghoul which is available at

 Tokyo Ghoul:re Volume 16: Review

Tokyo Ghoul along with its sequel Tokyo Ghoul:re is a sequence of a thrilling rollercoaster as we see the protagonist Ken Kaneki who is introduced as a human and later turns into a ghoul but then again transforms into a human but this time with ghoul powers and hunting humans, and in the end accepting himself as a ghoul who heads an army of ghouls. It can be a little confusing for those who haven’t read it. But this confusing story does not stop us from loving it as, Ishida-sensei has done a great job in making as thrilling as possible. It keeps playing with our emotions where we are always left with the confusion about taking sides. As the final volume has been released, we can relax a bit after a long rollercoaster ride.

Volume 16 concludes the entire series. The entire series is filled with chilling scenes and the final volume is not disappointing at all. It is filled with thrilling action moments that is full of gruesome visuals that Tokyo Ghoul shows the best. The action is not just some fighting sequence, it is full of meaning and dramatic. The final volume also shows the death of many bad guys so it is very satisfying no matter how gory it looks.

Nostalgia always works when it comes to make something more fascinating and Ishida-sensei is really good at it. The last volume shows a battle between father and son who are old rivals and it is the fight between human and ghoul. It’s essential to bring back something from Tokyo Ghoul in the final volume as it is very satisfying to watch something from past.

It would be quite weird if you have read all previous volumes but not the latest one. If you have made it this far no matter how, you shouldn’t give up at this point when things are becoming rather intense and even more exciting.

Although Kaneki being the protagonist is the favorite of all but we can’t deny how cool Renji and Uta are. The rivalry of these two has already been revealed in the series and this volume concludes it with a great deal of exposure.

It’s a world of ghouls who eat humans and those who hunts them down and a living in a world like this is not any less than living in a hell. It’s a hell where many people are brutally killed and the amount of these people has risen to thousands by the end. The last chapter being the epilogue featured the cast who lived and shows how they are living their life after such chaos.

 Tokyo Ghoul:re Volume 16: Review

Tokyo Ghoul:re may not end on a happy note but it will definitely leave all the readers in a shock. The climax is satisfactory as it does not feel rushed or chaotic. It is meaningful. Let us know what you think about the final volume of Tokyo Ghoul:Re if you have read Volume 16.

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