The God of High School – Episode 1: Review
Anime Reviews

The God of High School – Episode 1: Review

The God of High School – Episode 1: Review

God of High school started with a live episode. It was full of energy and to think it just has started makes me excited about the series. Those who haven’ t read the manga webtoon and  have no clue about the series, this anime is going to be full of surprises and as I’m one of those people so I’m looking forward to the next episodes.  The world building is not much detailed but it won’t be disappointing as the lot of amazing action moments are there to cover it up. I hope that I get to see more backstory in the upcoming episodes but if there if I’m also satisfied with high a lot of more action.

Overall the first episode can be described as fascinating and lively. It caught my attention from the very first scene on the beach particularly because of the supernatural event. Mori Jin’s introduction was intriguing – He seems to be an over confident protagonist but at the same time he is not very serious about himself. I’m still not sure if he really has the supernatural abilities or the story about the grandma whose purse was stolen was a made up. But nonetheless I’m glad that it was made an excuse for the introduction of Daewi and Mira. They are pretty awesome and I would like to see them in action more in the future. The action sequence in this episode is worth admiring and I would admit that it’s hard to find a series with such great fight scenes these days. I like that the series is focused on the fight scenes.

The God of High School – Episode 1: Review

Although the episode was action-packed with lot of amazing fighting scenes but it was a bit fast-paced episode. Lot of things happened in this first episode and everything happened quickly one after another along with all the action. It is entertaining but it stole the essence of introduction. It wasn’t very detailed and although we get to know their names which is significant for the first episode but we didn’t get to know how exactly are they capable to take part in this tournament. The series is very interesting and that’s what made me peak into the he first two chapter of the source material and found some pretty detailed introduction most of which is about the developing hype of tournament which is missing n this episode but since it’s just the premiere, we will probably get to see the development of the story in upcoming episodes.

The God of High School – Episode 1: Review

The series has a lot of potential to be one of the best this season. The characters are pretty interesting and there is a room for a lot of development. There was a blend of humor in the action and it wasn’t very overwhelming. It actually managed to make us laugh. I am definitely looking forward to see what the series has to offer and have high hopes for the upcoming episodes.

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