“One-Punch Man” is an anime with almost no filler, and it packs a strong punch. Based on the manga of the same name, this story follows Saitama, a superhero who can seemingly destroy nearly any foe with a single punch. One-Punch Man follows the manga very closely in the anime adaptation. The one thing that […]
Tag: One Punch Man OVA
80 Seconds Preview of One-Punch Man OVA Episode 1 in Clip
On Thursday the authorize website of One-Punch Man second season has started to show a 10 minute clip of episode 1: Saitama to Sokosoko no Nōryokumono-tachi” (Saitama and Those With Reasonable Abilities) and it is also integrated in the first Blu-ray Disc/DVD of this anime. The release of Blu-ray Disc and DVD of the anime […]