Best Sword Fighting Anime Recommendations !
Anime Reviews

Best Sword Fighting Anime Recommendations

Anime viewers today recognize a landscape shaped in large part by epic battles of retribution, competitiveness, and power. Much of the drama in anime revolves around swordsmen, practitioners of a unique, middle-tier style of martial arts that has come to be associated with noble warriors in the vein of Akira Kurosawa, epic battles, and unbelievable displays of power that shouldn’t be possible with a single blade. We covered a of Best Sword Fighting Anime Recommendations. Let’s get started without any further delay.

Sword Art Online


Sword Art Online Best sword fighting anime
Sword Art Online

Nerve Gear, specialized headgear, allows players to interact with the game’s virtual reality setting, making this MMORPG a fan-favorite. Like many players, Kirito would like to get back into the action after putting in a lengthy stint as a beta tester.

While everything is going on, Sword Art Online players find out that they can’t even log off. However, if they lose their lives in the game, they will lose them for real, and the only way to get them back is to battle the ultimate monster in the game’s 100-level tower.

Since they can no longer rely on outside help, Kirito and the other competitors are going to have to do whatever it takes to stay in the game.

Samurai Champloo

Samurai Champloo
Samurai Champloo

Samurai Champloo is, without a doubt, one of the best anime shows ever made because of its top-notch animation, fascinating characters, and brilliant script. The creator of Cowboy Bebop, Shinichiro Watanabe, had worked on the action comedy-drama Samurai Champloo, which gave him a solid foundation in all of these areas.

This bizarre and humorous story follows Fuu Kasumi, a waiter in an alternate version of Japan during the Edo period. She angers the Samurai when she accidentally spills their drink on them, and they respond in kind.

Mugen picks up Jin’s traditional swordplay and comes to her rescue. The son of the local magistrate is killed, however, and the two men are sentenced to death for the crime. Later, Fuu comes to their rescue, hiring them as bodyguards for her mission to find a mysterious Samurai.


Best sword fighting anime Gintama

It’s recommended that you check out the Gintama anime series. The anime makes fun of popular media like Dragonball, Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece. However, there are several reasons why Gintama is popular. There is no more engaging anime out there, and every season is equally enjoyable.

After an alien race called the Amanto invades Earth and takes over the land of Japan, one man makes it his mission in life to wipe them out completely. Gintoki Sakata is the name of the samurai who has an iron will to live.

Shinpachi Shimura, Kagura, and Sadaharu hear about this trip and decide to join him because they hear that they would have a great time and learn a lot.

Vinland Saga

Vinland Saga
Vinland Saga

Even though there have only been eight episodes released so far, the forthcoming episode has already piqued the interest of certain viewers. The plot is one of the most riveting I’ve watched in recent years, and the film’s character development is utterly subliminal.

It’s the kind of anime that we’d recommend to those who aren’t even fans of the genre, and we’d urge fans to give it a shot. This story takes place in the fabled land of Vinland, as suggested by the title.

Thorfinn leaves his frigid native land and travels to this kingdom. When civil war breaks out on this legendary continent, Thorfinn finds himself in the middle of the fighting and must resort to his mercenary skills in order to survive. It’s immediately apparent that killing Askeladd, the man who killed his dad, is his top priority.

Afro Samurai

Afro Samurai
Afro Samurai

Set in a mediaeval Japan of the future, the story follows a Black samurai as he seeks vengeance for the death of his father. Afro’s rage and desire for revenge have focused his attention solely on one target: the severed head of Justice.

He faces a simple conundrum: while only two people may challenge the number one, anyone can challenge the number two, making the entire world his opponent. Now that he has encountered a setback, he must keep his current momentum going in order to reach his ultimate aim.



A deity needs devotees to sustain its existence in the world and ensure that it retains its corporeal form. As well as amassing a fortune, Yato’s ultimate goal is to be worshipped by a large and devoted following. Watching Noragami and Noragami Aragoto on a regular basis is a must for every anime enthusiast.

The plot is structured around the parallel trajectories of two characters. The greatness of the anime is in the lightheartedness with which it approaches a tragic story and concept. The whole plot is very well thought out.



Dororo is an anime about a ronin named Hyakkimaru and a juvenile thief named Dororo that takes place in Japan during the Sengoku period. In addition to being born without limbs, the ronin also lacked distinguishing face features and internal organs at birth.

His inhuman nature has earned him the moniker “Hyakkimaru,” among other derogatory labels, in various cultures. Lord Daigo’s initial condemnation of Buddha and subsequent agreement with the demons sets the tone for this entertaining cartoon.

Twelve monsters finally gave him the control he had been seeking for so long. His firstborn kid suffered as a result; he was born blind, deaf, and skinless.

Demon Slayer

Demon Slayer
Demon Slayer

The dynamic action sequences in “Demon Slayer,” in which each pixel appears to be a work of art, have received great acclaim. A credit to Ufotable, the animation studio responsible for creating the anime version, is the eye-popping visuals.

In 2019, one of the most critically acclaimed anime series was “Demon Slayer,” and it’s expected that the show’s popularity will only increase next year. The series has been met with universal acclaim, and rumors of a movie release later this year only seem to be gaining steam as time passes.

The great graphic style is the main aspect that sets this manga apart from all the other shonen and action series currently available. One of the best sword fighting anime ever.



The film Berserk is highly recommended. The film is character-based, and despite the brutal narrative cruelty, there are touching moments.

Tragic events unfold from the moment when Guts is born from his mother’s womb after she has passed away. With no one to rely on, Guts drifts from day to day, wreaking great cruelty on all he encounters.

The Band of the Hawk takes notice of his remarkable skills and recruits him as a mercenary. After easily taking Midland, he rapidly rises through the ranks to become one of the most important members.



Edo era swordsman Shichika Yasuri is an expert in the Japanese art of Kyotouryuu. Using one’s own body as a weapon is the most difficult tactic to employ.

A young woman named Togame completely upends his life when she recruits him to help her collect the 12 Deviant Blades. In one other’s company, they undertake the perilous mission to recapture the blades from their violent users.

Yasuri Shichika, a swordsman who attacks without a sword, and Togame, a young tactician on a mission to collect 12 legendary swords for the shogunate Katanagatari, are the protagonists of the anime series. Togame is able to convince Shichika, despite their shared history of deception, to travel with her on a mission to find the Deviant Blades.

Final Thoughts

The anime genre known for its sword fights is entertaining. We are pleased to hear that you are almost done reviewing the items on our list, and we want you to know how proud we are of you. Thank You For Reading this Post Best Sword Fighting Anime Recommendations.

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