Spy X Family Volume 1: Review
Manga Reviews

Spy X Family Volume 1: Review

Spy X Family Volume 1: Review

A successful spy, Twilight has completed many missions without having any difficulty, no matter how tough those missions were. He is skilled enough to accomplish them very easily. But his new mission ‘Operation Strix’ is not like his previous missions and might end his career in humiliating way. In his new mission he has to make his way inside an elite school and home to reach his target and inorder to continue that mission he needs a wife and a kid. But how can Twilight – or ‘psychiatrist Loid Forger’ which is his new identity – get a family in such a short time to accomplish his new mission.

He adopts Anya who is a gifted child, but this is an uncertain step as she has a hidden telepathic ability which is more of a curse than a gift which is the outcome of unsuccessful genetic experiment. She is just a six years old kid but determined to make her new adoptive father happy (she says she is six because that’s what Loid was looking for as she read his mind). Although Twilight is a very smart and intelligent man but he has no idea about parenting. His enemies are always looking for a chance to take him down and now this child can become his weakness that can be an opportunity for his enemies.

But inorder to complete his family, Twilight needs a wife as well. He eventually finds a strange woman, named Yor Briar (who turns out to be a dangerous assassin called Thorn Princess). She has also been looking to get herself a husband for some reasons of her own. Together this eccentric newly formed family begins a new adventurous journey with the intimidating entrance process with many other children as the candidates alongside their parents. Will Twilight’s plan stumble as this new fake family tries to overcome the terror exhibit by the interviewers?

Spy X Family Volume 1: Review

When a manga claims to be a nerve-wracking comedy, I always start reading having doubts in my mind as these kind of comedy manga rarely come out as they claim to be especially in translations. But thankfully, Spy x Family by Tatsuya Endo, translated by Casey Loe is exceptionally well- written and well-translated manga. I specifically enjoyed in the scenes with Anya reading or misreading the minds of people around her. The interview scenes which seems more like an interrogation with the parents and child at the intimidating Eden Academy for elite, is the epitome of funny timing as Tatsuya Endo has proven to be an expert in keeping the pace perfect to make the readers laugh genuinely. Anya’s reply to the interview questions are the most hilarious thing and Casey Loe has done a great job in finding the right the words to translate the Japanese version.

Spy x Family is known to be black comedy, thriller with action but what makes it an entertaining and interesting read is the well-written characters. It’s fascinating to see a Twilight trying to be a good father as it’s funny because his new daughter is not an ordinary child as sometimes she behaves as a kid while at some moments she acts very differently. Although the forger family of a spy, assassin and a telepath formed or a mission is something unusual, Tatsuya Endo manages to make the readers sympathetic towards them (since Yor is a vicious assassin). The manga is also packed with action sequences as there is war going on between Ostania and Westalis with trench coats, tribly hats and steam trains that makes it more convincing appealing.

There are also some extra pages with light hearted panels at the end of the book along with some credits to the team. It’s an entertaining, funny and exciting spy manga with some interesting and eccentric characters that is worth reading more than once. It’s an on-going manga that has released four volume so far brought by Viz Media in the West that is being published in SHONEN JUMP.



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