Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review
Anime Reviews

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

My reaction didn’t remain same when I watched this episode. It was as usual a very wholesome and cute episode but towards the end, it was quite the opposite and so was my reaction. It is going to be more painful and fearsome in the next episode and I’m sure that next episode episode won’t start the way it did in episode 10.

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

I’m glad to see some moments from the past when Golem met Somali as there were a lot of things we came to know about their relation. We saw Somali in chain and it seems like she was being taken somewhere to be sold. She was transported along with other humans in a carriage which caught up in an accident and Somali was only one who survived. She ran away and found a place to hide. But she was found by Golem and referred him as Dad. Their bond was not as strong as it is now as Golem didn’t like being called dad and also told her leave the forest as it is the not the place for her. But Somali being herself didn’t listen to him and stayed with him, following him everywhere he wanders and constantly calling him Dad. Golem had no idea what to do about her but still he kept her with him, provided her shelter and food and then finally freed her from those chains. As he knew he is running out of time and Somali is too young to live on her own as she is a human it is not easy for her survive in this world.  So, they embarked on a journey of locating more humans. This whole story was narrated by Golem as he tells it to Shizuno and he adds that he started this journey because he adores Somali and wish to see her happy always. This warmed our heart and I was so happy to hear him saying this. But he doesn’t have much time left and it is so sad to see his damaged body. I don’t think he should do this bodyguard job when his body is in such a bad condition. I’m so glad that Shizuno is ready to take in Somali once Golem dies. Shizuno tells Golem to take care of Somali till the time he can. I love Shizuno.

The development of Golem is great and it make me so involved in his character. But the most interesting character is Somali. That reminds me of the fact that it was Golem who actually named Somali. It was a cat creature name who dragged him towards Somali. Thanks to that creature, Somali is in safe hand now. Her age has to been specified but she seems like four of five at the time she met Golem as she was very little but she could talk properly. But it’s surprising that she didn’t know what her name was or where she lived. I’m sure there is a logic behind it because she was old enough to at least know her own name. Probably it’s because of some sort of trauma both mental and physical. She must be very scared and not in her right mind that she even called a stranger Dad. May be she was looking for her father and as a habit called Golem Dad as father is the one she needed the most in that state. I’m sure her real father and mother are dead. It’s all about providing self-protection that Golem mentioned about. Although when they started the journey, Golem had the only purpose of finding humans for Somali but later it turned into their love for each other that stayed together so long. The both adore each other very much.

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Golem and Yabashira started their one week job as bodyguard of innkeeper while Somali and Shizuno stayed together.  It made me laugh when Golem prepared a list of vegetables that Somali doesn’t like and what she freaks about. He did acted like a real father to her and even told Yabashira that he cares for her. So cute! When they were on their duty, Somali plans to prepare a gift for Golem as a Thank-you. So, she draws his picture but is not satisfied with the result. They found a yarn ball and so Shizuno gives her idea about knitting something for Golem. Coincidentally, the innkeeper’s wife came with the supplies and offered her help. She explains her how it’s done and they make a bracelet with it. Things were going all good until Somali embraced her and we saw some change in face expression of Aunt Rosa. Her happy face turned into something different. She went to some thugs to tell them that she has a human back home with an evil smile on her face. This is the reason why I never like Somali getting close to any new creature. Nobody can be trusted. There are some trustworthy creatures like Shizuno who didn’t harm her after knowing about her true identity. But we never know who might turns out to be enemy of humans and express their hatred by harming this innocent little child. Creature like Aunt Rosa can’t be trusted. What she’ll get by exposing Somali, feed on her? Sell her? Or just torture her for merely fun?

But one thing is for sure that Golem is going to be very angry on this. And now this is getting really scary. It’s not just Golem and Somali that I’m concerned about but Shizuno and Yabshira as well. I don’t want anyone of them to die!!

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 10: Review

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