Anime News

Reasons to Watch Death Parade!

You may have heard about Death Parade but probably don’t know much about the anime. This article is all about why you should watch Death Parade and why it is one of the most underrated and incredible anime. Following death, we encounter an enigmatic entity called Decim who starts a game. Initially the theme looks simple and immature, it later becomes complex and we witness the origin of what the humanity soon transfers to. It’s a psychological thriller that is truly the best one of that genre in last few years.

Decime is unpredictably unemotional as his character develops. He has a face with no expression or any kind of emotion cannot be seen on his face. When the games start to reveal the real side of every person and there is violence all over the screen, we as viewers feel numb which is quite weird while watching the outrageous scene. The character of Decim is understandable onec we come to realize that the humans shown in that anime are th reflection of what we are from the inside and if we are put in such situation, we may become like them. Although we just don’t accept that reality.

The topic of Death has been the focus in the anime. The idea of portraying death as a game shows death as something to be taken lightly like a simple job that we regularly wake up for rather than a very serious and dark topic of the life. This concept of death does not make it horrifying but in fact gloomy as it shows how the humans of the afterlife thinks about us. Every human thinks about the benefit of his own and those are actually righteous are much better, which is not very rare.

Decim is perhaps the most favorite character of the anime. He is not just good at his job as a bartender and serving the humans who visits him after death, but he also gets to the point where he thinks about his own existence and why he is in that position. He is not a human and created by those with the higher status, therefore he does not have any particular agenda and as he tries to figure out the reason of his existence, we can’t help but desperately want him to achieve his goal. Decim seems a plain character with no emotions in most of the scenes but there is depth in his character that is noticeable in the anime from start till end that makes us root for him and indulge in his world.

Death Parade is an incredible anime and different from many isekai anime that we have seen in past few years. It’s an anime with complex theme and will make you think about the death and humanity.

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