Anime News

Reasons to Read Made in Abyss

The Anime adaption of Made in Abyss, titled Kinema Citrus’ 2017  is one of the best pure fantasy anime to pop out in recent memory, also it’s considered to be among the best anime to release that year. But have you ever thought of reviewing the web manga where it’s been originated from? Akihito Tsukushi’s manga has reached 52 chapter in length and its publication is still in progress since 2012. The anime version has only covered 24 chapter until now. Let’s dive in more depth of the story to witness what gemstone we are able to uncover—this is the reason reading Made in Abyss is a MUST!

The Abyss is abundantly elaborative fantasy dimension with its own mythology, history, ecosystem and cooperative chemistry with the environment of Orth at its passageway. Each layer possess tons of unique animals and plants that carries ingenious survival techniques, for example the huge Corpse-Weeper birds that baits humans prey by copying the sound of their captured loved ones.

The manga augment on this fantasy architecture, especially by showing the Village of Ilblu on the 6th layer and Idofront research located on the 5th layer. The mad scientist Bondrewd (responsible for the transformation of Mitty and Nanachi into Hollows) resides at Idofront, which Reg and Riko had to clear through in order to go further into the Abyss. We discover more about Nanachi’s past with the facility, gets introduced to Bondrewd’s lively assistant Prushka, and finally learns the true intentions of the scientist. Later, our journey reach the Village of Ilblu, a confined society home to hundreds of Hollows that had weird concept about “value”. This place had a connection with Reg’s history and carried important mysteries about the first delvers who ever ventured into the Abyss. It’s all very captivating!

The anime’s graphics (particularly the artistic backgrounds) does an exceptional job at portraying the significance of Tsukushi’s illustration, but enjoying the manga is something different. The rough lines and light shadows give the images the artistic look, even in monochrome. Landscapes, clothes and creatures are in high definition, but doesn’t feel littered. And in unexpected times Tsukushi rewards us with color portraits, it’s a thing of beauty to admire. However, the uncommon format makes the manga a bit complicated to understand on the first attempt, so take your time in processing the whole panels before turning the pages of the chapter, just to make sure you don’t miss anything.

There is still no definite conclusion for Riko and Reg since the manga’s story has not even passed the 6th layer of the Abyss. Lyza and Reg’s complete story has still not been revealed until now, or what mystery lies at the bottom of the Abyss. Following the manga now is the perfect way to indulge yourself in the current secrets that everyone is still shocked about!

Made in Abys has its pros and cons (one of the most blatant cons is the infrequent release schedule) but the universe is a marvelously designed wonderland of extraordinary species that’ll stick in your memories for a long time. Start the journey, it’s worth the time!


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