New Gintama Movie, "Gintama THE FINAL" Set to Release on 8th January 2021.
Anime News

New Gintama Movie, “Gintama THE FINAL” Set to Release on 8th January 2021.

New Gintama Movie, "Gintama THE FINAL" Set to Release on 8th January 2021.

According to the latest announcement the “truly final movie” titled, “Gintama THE FINAL” is set to release on 8th January 2021.

It was announced in a short video featuring Shinpachi, Gintoki and Kagura talking about the movie. As usual, the current affairs are being discussed in the video like difficulty of avoiding “Mitsu” in the battle (it’s the word used by the Governor of Tokyo which refers to “closeness”) and so they decide to cancel the battle because of social distancing. What makes it worst is the trio have only 2 masks with Kagura Gintoki being covered and Shinpachi left with no mask to prevent himself from getting “rona”. It’s quite funny as refers to the fact that Prime Minister Abe provided masks to all families in the country but every family received only 2 masks.

Gintama is a known for its parody and sarcastic jokes, sometimes with censor mosaics. This is not the first time they have promised about the “last Gintama” as they have claimed it many times before with false apologies later for deceiving their fans. It has become their thing in the past 15 years so we can’t say if it is truly the last Gintama.


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