My Hero Academia Chapter 258 – Manga Review
Manga Reviews

My Hero Academia Chapter 258 – Manga Review

My Hero Academia Chapter 258 – Manga Review

Chapter 258 of My Hero Academia was different from the previous one us and not in good way. We had a moment from the past when Hawks indicated about the hospital to Endeavor. Twice and Hawks chat about how systems work out for Liberation Army and the distribution of teams into many groups. Every group will follow a goal when they move across and achieve their goals of conquering the towns.

Hawks seems like a villain instead of a hero when he talks about using All for One as “second coming” in order to make things right in the world. Twice on the other seems like having a soft spot for Hawks for being too caring and tells — what already have been revealed to us — about the metamorphosis of Tomura in a hidden place. Hawks understands that the actions of Twice’s actions to battle his fear has made him troublesome. Although Twice is not a trustworthy villain but he seem to truly like Hawks and we will see how long will it be as one day Hawks will have to reveal himself as a double agent.

There was nothing special in the end. Various heroes from different areas started a match. By the end of the spring the heroes are set to go on a mission to assist other heroes who are leaving the city. This mission sounds an easy one but we will have to see if it’s really that easy. We think that the heroes are heading towards a big threat hopefully we will get to see something more exciting in the next chapter as this chapter failed to do so. Let’s dig a little deeper into this week’s chapter while we wait for the next one.

My Hero Academia Chapter 258 – Manga Review

The best part in this chapter were the moments between Hawks and Twice. Their friendship is being developed they both seem to have sweet corner for each other. Although Hawks is a double agent and betraying Twice, but he seem to truly caring for him and being considerate for him. While Twice clearly likes him which something very unlike for his character. How far will this friendship go?

There were many scenes in chapter 258 of Boku no Hero Academia that were not necessary and could have been skipped. We did get to see some things that were really good like the friendship of Twice and Hawks but there was nothing special and important discussed or revealed in this chapter. There was nothing that could excite us. There was only one important information which include the splitting of the teams into groups and their distribution in various areas but this was not that important to dedicate one whole chapter on. These two important things could have been revealed during the previous chapters. This is probably the reason why this chapter can easily be skipped.

We can’t say that it was a bad chapter as there were few things that we came to know and moves the story forward. We know how things are going to work out to achieve the goal and a relationship between a hero and a villain that can become important in the future. What do you think about this chapter? Do you think that the information and the relationship revealed in this chapter is enough to enjoy a while chapter?

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