KONOSUBA Season 1 and 2 Set To Releasee in UK
Anime News

KONOSUBA Season 1 and 2 Set To Releasee in UK

KONOSUBA Season 1 and 2 Set To Releasee in UK

The anime series KONOSUBA has been acquired by UK distributor Anime Limited which has recently stated that the series KONOSUBA – God’s blessing on this wonderful world! will be released in UK and Ireland.

KONOSUBA Season 1 and 2 Set To Releasee in UK

The anime will be released with the first season which contain 10 episodes along with the OVA. It has been confirmed to release in July this year which will last till September. Whereas season 2 which continue the first season till episode 20 along with the OVA will be released after the completion of the first season.

Konusuba which is titled as Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku o! in Japan is the anime adaptation of a light novel series written and illustrated by Natsume Akatsuk and Kurone Mishima respectively. The anime was originally aired in 2016 which was directed by Takaomi Kanasakii and written by Makoto Uezu. The music was composed by Masato Kōda and the characters were designed by Koichi Kikuta.

KONOSUBA Season 1 and 2 Set To Releasee in UK

Thanks to US distributor Discotek Media, the fans of KONOSUBA in US and Canada will be able to enjoy the series in May this year. The licensing rights are originally owned by Crunchyroll and both the distributors will be releasing the anime in their respective region on its behalf.

It has been confirmed by Anime Limited if the recent movie Legend of Crimson will be released or not but the fans can still watch it on Crunchyroll streaming site in Japanese with subtitles in various languages. It will begin streaming on 25th March and the dubbed version will be released in April.

KONOSUBA Season 1 and 2 Set To Releasee in UK

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