Kaguya-sama: Love is War Season 2 Episode 8: Review
Anime Reviews

Kaguya-sama: Love is War Season 2 Episode 8: Review

Kaguya-sama: Love is War Season 2 Episode 8: Review

Honestly, this episode was one of the most cringe-worthy episodes of all. Compared to the previous episodes, this episode had way too many weaknesses, especially due to making lovesickness something reasonable to be worried about. Although I have read this in manga but even then it seemed absurd to me. But, the reason why it seemed so ridiculous was it was not clear if the doctor was actually serious about that or just teasing her. But, how things were shown, if it was something to be taken seriously, they wouldn’t have scanned over it as a pun. I think they shouldn’t.

I couldn’t stand lino in this episode. She does have some potential to become a better person but throughout the first part she was intolerable. The student council is disorganized and there is no doubt on it but they try their best to perform their duties in the best way possible and nothing chaotic goes out of the student council and never caused havoc outside the student council. Her concern over rues and regulation is understandable but this kind of harshness is tolerable as people d not like to be told to change things that they have are accustomed to. I like Ishigami trying to calm her as things would not be in her favor if she goes on like this on every rule break and she might also end being the most hatred person as these are people with feelings. But instead of taking his advice she told him to keep his mouth shut.

Kaguya-sama: Love is War Season 2 Episode 8: Review

There is a lot of potential for her character to be developed as she is the new in the council and it can time for her to get along with the group. But if she clearly keeps showing that kind of attitude towards others which is completely opposite to how she act towards Chika, then things would get a little repetitive and boring very soon. If we talk about her character, it is not really entertaining and her scenes with other characters is what makes it little fascinating but her character alone has nothing much to offer or there is nothing amusing about her character alone. While he rest of the members have something that intrigue us and when there is some interaction among these characters, it’s hard to hold back our laugh. But when it comes to lino there is nothing special about her character that makes her interesting. Nagisa and Hayasaka who are not even members of the group are better as characters alone or their interactions with others. So lino better grow to be a character that has something amusing rather than depending on the interaction with others to be interesting. It laughed really hard at Ishigami’s reaction on Chika challenging lino for not getting angry over rules being broken. That’s how a character becomes an interesting one without relying on other characters to entertain the viewers. It’s just Ishigami being himself and that’s what make him different from others. And then there was Shirogane who casually accompanied him in that pun.

Talking about Ishigami, I was could completely relate to him, when he reacted over Kaguya’s cute face and said it was gross. His comment was surely very offensive but it was very hilarious because that’s how I respond to my siblings. But Ishigami surely has a death wish.

Moving on the other part of the episode which was brief but full cringeworthy moments. It was very obvious that their expression were fake when they got stuck in equipment shed with one another. Fake expressions always makes me cringe and it’s hard to look at those expression. And when Kaguya cried it was very obvious who is playing the game and it was all for them to be stuck for real but those imbeciles actually thought that the rest are buying that. It was uncomfortable to watch probably because of their clearly poor acting but also because for some reason Shirogane ended up over Kaguya. These kinds of moments usually brigs butterflies in the stomach but Kaguya’s how reacted was very unusual and not in a good way. She was the one who made that happen but when she stood up crying over how scared she is was a little uncomfortable and cringy. There is a possibility that it was her way out to get rid of that situation but there is more possibility that she was indeed scared. Taking her character in general that is new to the world of romance and somewhat being a child when it comes to romance, her reaction makes sense. But we can’t deny the awkwardness we felt in that scene.

Kaguya-sama: Love is War Season 2 Episode 8: Review

And if that wasn’t any less awkward, the last part made it super awkward which was filed with absurdness and weirdness. How can a doctor discuss something like lovesickness as a proper health issue. Even in a funny way, it sounded so awful. I could relate to Hayasaka in this episode. I didn’t like the episode like other episode but it was not very bad. There were still some moments that made me laugh like other episodes but it wasn’t just not one of the best episodes. Now that Kaguya has some kind of ‘health issue’ called ‘lovesickness’, I hope next episode would be less awkward and more funny.

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