List of All Indian Anime Characters - India in Anime
Anime Reviews

List of Indian Anime Characters – India in Anime

Indian Anime Characters: Many shared cultural traditions have existed between Japan and India going back centuries. Buddhism, which has its roots in India, has profoundly impacted Japan’s society and culture. Moreover, ever since antiquity, the Japanese and Indian cultures have engaged in extensive mutual exchanges of literary works, academics, and other cultural artifacts.

It’s no wonder then that many anime characters have roots in Indian mythology, that many characters themselves are of Indian descent, and that the medium frequently borrows elements from Indian cultures. This list will be informative and may pique your curiosity if you enjoy anime and are inquisitive about characters who are inspired by Indian culture. Indian-origin characters from anime are listed below.

Yemma From Dragon Ball Z

Yemma From Dragon Ball Z

Yamraj is the Hindu god of death and justice. According to Hindu belief, Yamraj is the one who chooses whether a person will spend eternity in heaven or hell based on the good or evil activities they performed during their lifetime. In Dragon Ball Z, Yemma is the one who is in charge of determining who will be sent to paradise and who will be sent to hell. Even his appearance is identical to the depiction of Yamraj found in the Hindu scriptures.

Enma From YuYu Hakusho

Enma From YuYu Hakusho

In the series, Enma serves as the embodiment of the God of Death. The Hindu God of Death, Yamaraj, served as the model for Enma’s role as the supreme arbiter of whether or not a soul should be allowed to join heaven. Despite the fact that he appears to be a harsh opponent, he actually possesses a kinder side to his nature. If you are just, you will adore him because he awards individuals based on their adherence to Dharma and the way they behave themselves.

Rakshas From Berserk

Rakshas From Berserk

In addition, there are several references to different aspects of Indian history and mythology throughout Berserk. It’s possible that the Kushan Empire, which once stood in the northwestern parts of India, served as an influence for the Kushan clan, which is led by Emperor Kanishka. Rakshas is a shadowy figure who takes pleasure in tormenting his victims and is essentially a murderer. According to Hindu mythology, Rakshas are demonic creatures that prey on humans and make life on Earth difficult.

Ganesha From DanMachi

Ganesha From DanMachi

Ganesha is a character from the anime DanMachi. He is depicted as having a muscular build and wearing a red elephant mask. The color gold serves as inspiration for his wardrobe, and he exudes flamboyance. When it comes to the safety of the citizens, he places the utmost importance on their protection and disregards everything else. His personality can be traced back to the Hindu god Ganesha, who is shown as having the head of an elephant and is known for removing obstacles as well as being a protector.

Indra & Asura From Naruto

Indra and Asura From Naruto

According to the Hindu scriptures, Indra rules over the Devas, who are engaged in a never-ending conflict with the Asuras, who are demi-gods with less than noble goals. In a similar fashion, we have Indra and Asura, children of Hagoromo, who are also engaged in a continuous conflict with one another, passing the conflict down from one generation to the next. They continue to have violent conflicts with one another despite being reincarnated as various persons.

Rakshat Chawla From Code Geass

Rakshata Chawla From Code Geass

In addition to his role as leader of the research and development team at Black Knights, Rakshat is an Indian scientist. She has a calm and collected manner and always manages to keep her dignity, yet she also has the ability to be easy going and relaxed back at times. Her ancestry can be traced back to the Military District of India.

Lancer Of Red From Fate/Apocrypha

Lancer Of Red From Fate/Apocrypha

One of the most powerful characters in Fate/Apocrypha is the Lancer of Red, also known by his other name, Karna. The story of Karna, as told in the Indian epic Mahabharata, plays a significant role in the development of Lancer of Red. He wears golden armor just like Karna did in the Mahabharata, and so does Lancer. The Mahabharat is a source of inspiration for several aspects of Fate/Apocrypha, including the ‘Brahmastra’ and many other components.

Kokujo Tengen Myooh From Bleach

Kokujo Tengen Myo Oh From Bleach

This is the final stage of Captain Komamura’s Bankai transformation, a giant humanoid that is entangled in ropes all around. The literal translation of this phrase into English is “Vidyaraja of Kalasutra’s Divine Punishment.” Vidyaraja is a king of the knowledge race, and one of his responsibilities was to protect the Buddha of wisdom. And Kalasutra is a reference to the dark ropes that are utilised in the process of consigning sinners to the fires of hell.

Meena From Dinosaur King

Meena From Dinosaur King

Meena is a princess of the Indian culture, although she has no interest in being one. She has a dream of travelling to the mouth of the Ganges River, where she plans to swim and explore in order to find her prince charming. She met the D-team near the palace and traded places with Zoe in order to assist Max and Rex in locating the dinosaur and also to have a bit more freedom for herself. After obtaining a badge, she is the only individual to have been elevated to the status of official member of the D-Team.

Éclair From Fairy Tail

Éclair From Fairy Tail

Despite the fact that it is impossible to determine whether or not Eclair has Indian ancestry, the way that she dresses, including her saree, bangles, and overall outfit, is that of an Indian woman. Éclair has a deep passion for the Phoenix Stone, and he will do everything it takes to bring it to its rightful owner when the time comes. She is capable of braving any peril in order to safeguard the Phoenix Stone and can accomplish anything she sets her mind to.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, folks: a complete and comprehensive list of Indian characters and characters influenced by Indian culture in numerous popular anime series. We want to know what you think about this list and which of these figures you think best exemplifies Indian culture. Post your thoughts in the discussion below. If we’ve overlooked the Indian character from an anime, please include them here.

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