How Old is Yoshida Csm? - Chainsaw Man Anime
Anime Reviews

How Old is Yoshida Csm? – Chainsaw Man Anime

The plot of Chainsaw Man centers on Denji, a poor young man who enters into a deal to have his body fused with that of a canine devil named Pochita, giving him the power to turn specific body parts into chainsaws. After some time, Denji joins the Public Safety Demon Hunters, a government organization tasked with battling demons whenever they pose a threat to Japan. Asa Mitaka, a high school student who signs a deal with Yoru, the War Devil, is the subject of the second narrative arc. Yoru compels Asa to find Chainsaw Man and retrieve the devils he stole from her.

Hirofumi Yoshida is an extremely intriguing character in Chainsaw Man. He is one of the main characters just because of his enigmatic appearance, unknowable goals, and unexplained abilities. Let’s explore Hirofumi Yoshida’s persona.

Who is Yoshida?

Who is Yoshida Chainsaw man?

Hirofumi Yoshida is a member of the Public Safety Devil Hunter Team. Makima considers him to be a top-tier bodyguard expert with Kusakabe and Tamaoki. A group he belongs to has given him the responsibility of protecting Denji. Yoshida makes her debut in the International Assassins arc as a supporting character and goes on to have a more significant recurrent role in the Academy Saga.

Yoshida has smooth black hair that is about middle length, dark eyes, and a thin face. Under his lips, there is a beauty mark. He has eight piercings in his left ear, but you can only see six of them most of the time you can only see six of them because his hair is in the way.   His piercings are likely a sign of his deal with the Octopus Devil. Yoshida’s casual outfit as a civilian devil hunter is a light jacket with buttons undone and dark pants.

She enjoys chit-chatting with his opponents while in battle. He is rather cheeky and naughty. Yoshida is ruthless even though he always has a smile on his face. He exhibits this side of himself when, after sneaking up behind the survivor, he cruelly murders the middle brother of the three Immortal Brothers in a back alley.

How old is Yoshida?

How old is Yoshida Csm?

Hirofumi Yoshida is still a teenager, despite the fact that we do not yet have any official information indicating his actual age. Yoshida, a young guy, and Denji both continue to attend high school. Furthermore, given Denji is 17 years old in Chainsaw Man Part 2, we can infer that Yoshida is at least a year older than Denji.

How tall is Yoshida?

How tall is Yoshida?

Just like his age, his height is also unknown. But we can assume his height by looking at above picture. There is a speculation that Denji is about (5’7′′) tall, or about 1,70 meters. Yoshida is far taller than Denji, as can be seen in the photograph above, making him much taller than 1,70 meters. We may estimate that Yoshida is roughly half a head taller than Denji using this picture as a guide. Let’s round that down to 26 cm by halving the height of a typical human head, which is roughly 57 cm.

If we use these calculations to try to determine exactly how tall Hirofumi Yoshida is, we come up with a number that corresponds to 1,96 meters, which is around 6 feet and 5.2 inches.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve read this far, you’re likely one of the few individuals who know as much as you do about Hirofumi Yoshida. Now we just have to wait till his first anime appearance, where we’ll get a deep dive into all of these facets of his personality. I hope you loved reading our article. Follow us on Instagram