The anime adaptation of Hokago Teibo Nisshi is set to release in April 2020. The story of Hokago Teibo Nisshi is about high school girls who like to go for fishing in their leisure time. The anime has released a teaser visualwhich features four girls (Hina Tsurugi, Natsumi Hodaka, Makoto Ohno and Yuuki Kuroiwa) holding fishing equipment at a dock with the background of blue sky and sea around them.
It is written and illustrated by Yasuyuki Kosaka and will be directed by Takaharu Ookuma. Fumihiko Shimo and Katsuhiro Kumagai are in charge of series composition and character design. Dogo Kobo (Yuru Yuri, Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun and Himouto! Umaru-chan) will be producing the anime