Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 8: Review
Anime Reviews

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 8: Recap and Review

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 8: Review

And finally we meet all the zodiac characters. Although, Rin was introduced in the last episode of the previous season but now we have been formally introduced to all as Rin has been revealed to be a horse, it is very likely that Kureno is the rooster as he is also the zodiac member.

Since there is no zodiac left, what is Akito? As Tohru hasn’t met Kureno yet, she thinks that Akito is the rooster but she is missing out someone very important in this tale of Zodiac banquet but it’s better to wait for that par as it will be revealed soon and we probably will be discussing it in the next episode or the episode after that.

We will get on to the main story of the episode but one thing that intrigued me in the beginning of the episode was Kagura’s family. Families of the zodiac members plays the most integral part in their life. As it was mention ed earlier in the series, there are two kinds of parents in Sohma and Kagura is among those fortunate whose parents are over protective.

There was just one scene and we could see how her mother was worried about Akito being in the vacation house and told Kagura not to go. Although having over protective parents is also not something children like in case of Zodiac members over protective parents is the blessing and much better then being completely rejected and neglected.

This is also the reason why Akito has never physically or mentally harmed Kagura and she is probably the only one. I like it when the parents of zodiac members are protective for their children as most of them are not on good terms with theirs. Kagura’s parents are generally good people since they took in Rin when she was all alone.

I hope we also get to see some other zodiac members with their parents like Shigure, Hatori, Ayame and Hatsuharu. It was funny how Kagura broke the door and her mother didn’t even flinch and act like it’s something she usually sees happening all the time. Her calmness over her action was funny.

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 8: Review

As Hatsuharu is one of my favorite characters, I didn’t like how Akito humiliated him with something he has never felt good about being an ox and becoming a joke to others. He has managed to get through it but deep down inside I’m sure he still has those securities especially when sometime bring that up infront of him.

Thankfully he always had Yuki’s support to make him feel better and it’s good that he has someone like Yuki to care about him since Hatsuharu always put others’ needs and worries over his own.

I didn’t expect to have more Yuki x Tohru scenes after the last episode and they continued the last moment of the previous episode that brought back the memories of the beautiful but sad scene. It only increased the sorrow of Yuki x Tohru shippers. Since, we all know that there is no hope for this ship, their adorable scenes together are no less than a torture.

But we can’t help but love Yuki saying things like “I won’t apologize for the kiss” so smoothly. We can’t deny the feeling we had when he came close to her and whispered in her ears. And I thought there won’t be any more scenes like these between them.

I’m so happy that I was wrong but I really don’t remember this scene happening in manga. Even if it’s torture and we already know that they are not going to end up together, their scenes together are like treat to our eyes. I also like the way Yuki protected Tohru from getting hit by Rin in her horse form and even after that their conversation felt like between husband and wife but we know it is not.

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 8: Review

Yuki has grew up to be a lot more bold. Even after accepting his emotions towards her and realizing his relation with her, he is able to act so smoothly infront of her. He is not fearful and nervous about anything and act according to his own beliefs and opinions.

We always wanted to see him like that. He do not care about things other think about him as he seems to be calm when Rin said those rude words on his face. That proved his boldness. He said it’s because of Akito that he feels better and that inly make me curious about what exactly they talked about that had no negative impact on him.

I’m sure Akito has said something mean and abusive but it’s something that made Yuki secretly rebellious. He is not going to let anyone hurt him.

Here is no hope for a romantic relation between Yuki and Tohru but things are becoming more interesting for those who ship Tohru and Kyo. He seems to open about a little more about the curse and his perception towards sacrifice. According to him taking someone’s life for the sake of something is nonsensical which also has something to do with his mother’s death.

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 8: Review

Even if Yuki is going to keep his distance from her, he still tries to protect her, telling Kyo to refrain from doing or saying something stupid to Akito as it could harm Tohru. He doesn’t want Tohru to meet Akito since he knows it won’t end up good.

Akito is determined to make Tohru feel alone throughout this trip by calling all zodiac members to meet him so that there is no one left at the house to accompany her. But it is very evident that they all want to spend more time with Tohru as when they some back to her they seem happy and cheerful.

Akito just doesn’t seem to understand that physical appearance of zodiac members is not just enough to separate them from her. Their hearts will always be with her and they will never stop going back to her. As mentioned by Shigure, Akito has a superiority complex over all and so he thinks that he is the most important person in their lives and do not understand the reason why no one really love him to stay with him.

He is so desperate to prove his importance in their lives that he is willing to introduce Kureno to Tohru as well. He seems to scheming to make Tohru suffer without her realizing. But it won’t necessarily harm Tohru and can be threatening to himself and he might end up falling in his own trap.

But Akito seems to use a different approach this time as he is willing to invite Kyo this time. But Kyo is not like others when it comes to Akito and never hides his hatred towards him so we will have to see how things end up in this meeting.

Rin is getting more interesting and having read the manga I know the importance of her character in this story. She is going through a lot and seems to be suffering the most at the moment. Her motives seems mysterious for now as she has been roaming all over the places in search of something and the way she tor Tohru’s shirt and ruined the sand castle, we can’t be sure if her motives are good or bad. But she seems very desperate about that thing and seems devastated and emotionally broken. I hope we get to see her backstory soon as her character is very interesting.

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 8: Review

The beach arc is getting interesting and more intense every weak and it seems like the next episode is going to be intense. Akito’s doesn’t seem to have any effect on Yuki but would he able to provoke Kyo? I’m excited to see it happening.

On a lighter note, transforming into a big animal is really frustrating especially for a girl since you are going to end up having your clothes destroyed in your animal form.

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