Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 7: Review
Anime Reviews

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 7: Review

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 7: Review

Finally, the most anticipated moment came and although it was the most beautiful scene in fruits basket so far, sadly this might be last Yuki x Tohru moment. It’s not like there won’t be more scene of them together but this particular moment is when Yuki has realized what sorts of feelings, he has for Tohru and things he said to Tohru sounded like a farewell while being grateful for everything, she did for him. It’s sad for all those who shipped them that they are never going to end up together since Yuki has realized that he never loved in a romantic way. Whether or not we had read the manga, deep down inside we had realized this since the beginning of the series as there had been some indications that confirm at this point. That scene had all kinds of emotions and it felt like Yuki was letting go of something as it felt like a farewell. It seemed like Yuki had decided to part from her and so let out all the emotions that he has had since the time she came into his life. It all sounded like a last emotional scene of them together where he finally admits that she is the one who saved him from all those dark emotions and was the first person who made him felt like he is needed and nor useless.

I’m glad that after all this development in his character, he didn’t let Akito’s words make him the person he once was and was not manipulated by Akito. He didn’t believe when Akito said to him that he is lonely and will always be isolated as he knows now that he is not alone and was never useless. He has realized due to the support and kindness of Tohru that made him brave enough to push away all the dark thoughts that could bring him back in that pitch-black darkness. Although it is a sad episode for those who ship them we all are happy for Yuki who has come so far and is willing to leave all dark emotions behind and move forward even if the person who is behind his miserable life verbally abuses him again. Things will be different from now on. Yuki will not be selfish with Tohru’s kindness and will share it with others. He will be moving forward without needing her support at every step. I hoped he told her about the hat but that kiss on the forehead is enough o make that scene the memorable one.

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 7: Review

The entire scene is worth admiring for the gorgeous visuals, that beautiful song, and of course the remarkable performance of Nobunaga Shimazaki without whom that scene would not have been so emotional and unforgettable.

As I mentioned earlier that things are going to change form now on, it also indicated the difference of relationship of Tohru with Yuki and Kyo. It seems like the relationship of Kyo and Tohru developing and their chemistry seems quite adorable. I like how Kyo understands Tohru when nobody is able to see through her smiling face. He always manages to make her say things that keep bothering her. It’s not like Kyo but when he is Tohru, he seems like a completely different person. It’s obviously Tohru who made him like that. Their relationship is going to go a long way as it seems it will develop gradually.

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 7: Review

We got to know some more zodiac stuff in this episode when Hiro discovers that his mother is going to have a baby. It was revealed that since all zodiac animals have already been born and are alive, so there won’t be any birth of zodiac animals. It makes me feel sad for all the zodiac members who have been through a lot just because they were born with the curse. It’s sad to think whether or not their parents will dote that child if he is born with the curse.

Akito is the most annoying and hated character. How can he believe that all zodiac members love him after treating them like he owns them all? He came all the way to the vacation house to teach them a lesson and deliberately separate them from Tohru. It is so evident that no one likes to visit Akito especially Kisa and Hiro. I felt so sad for Kisa when she was concerned about Tohru being beaten up by Akito like herself in the past. But Akito seems to have a higher place in their life no matter how they think about him. He has also kept Kureno away from others for some reason. For those who haven’t read the manga, everything about Kureno seems mysterious but it will make sense in the future. It’s one of the most significant parts of the story so we have to wait a little longer for that revelation.

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 7: Review

Talking about a mysterious character, Shigure had always been a shady character but despite that I could never hate him as his way of dealing with Akito has always been different from others. We have seen Hatori talking about his scheme in the past but in this episode, Hatori admits that he is not doing anything regardless of his methods. It seems like what Shigure wanted is going to happen soon as it feels like the influence of Tohru has already changed them all.

Despite that sad last scene, this episode was amazing. It showed almost all characters with the focus on Yuki’s character development. Although it was the end of Yuki and Tohru’s relationship, it is also the beginning of a new direction he will be moving towards without any support. I’m so looking forward to more of that.

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 7: Review

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