Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 17: Review
Anime Reviews

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 17: Review

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 17: Review

After so many heart breaking episodes, we finally get to watch a lighthearted episode. I am glad there was no heart wrenching moments in the episode as the last week’s episode was a tear jerker that filled our hearts with lots of emotions. This week’s episode was funny, light hearted with some shipping moments. There were some sweet and adorable moments between Kyo and Tohru. The best thing about this episode was watching Yuki happier.

The episode starts with a school trip that mostly include roaming around, shopping souvenir, eating a lot and romance. The absence of teachers during a trip makes it easier to confess and be more romantic. So, the group seem to have a lot of fun during the trip while they hangout and capture those moments. The episode was more focused on Kyo and Yuki where the first part mainly focused on Kyo and Tohru, while the other part was focused on Yuki.

Uo still doesn’t know about the fact that Tohru met Kureno as she still hasn’t mentioned about that fact that Kureno Sohma is the same Kureno. Tohru was pondering about that but her attention quickly diverted to the students talking about a girl confessing to Kyo. Kyo seemed a bit more ill-tempered in this episode and to some extent it makes sense. Although the way he reacted to the girl’s confession was a little harsh but getting confession from someone you don’t even know can be annoying especially for a person like Kyo as he always think of himself as someone who doesn’t get along and think low of himself so doesn’t want anyone to get closer. According to him he cannot be nice to all and it doesn’t sound rude to me since he knows he doesn’t have anything to do with all the random people around him as he is going to spend the rest of his life in isolation. He doesn’t even want to be popular and like to be remain low key knowing the fact about his transformation and true form. But how he responded to Tohru was way too much rude but Yuki did the right thing by punching him.

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 17: Review

The interaction between kyo and Tohru on the bridge was very sweet and one of the sweetest moment in the entire episode. The flirtatious cat was a little too much but ‘her’ being jealous of Tohru was absurdly funny. Even if Kyo is rude to Tohru sometimes, he understand her well and without even any mention about it, he already knew that she will be buying zodiac figurines. It’s really cute that he knows all about her interest and things she likes even when she doesn’t say anything about it. He truly loves her. He looks really cute when he blushes while holding her hands and doesn’t hesitate when it comes to getting close to her as she is the exception and he wants to spend as much time with her as he can before he is locked up. But Tohru is still not clear about her feelings but it is evident she has feelings for him as she doesn’t like it when he leaves her and I’m glad that she admitted that things he say has special effect on her. Although we can’t say that it was all romantic but there were hints of some romantic tension between theme and they both seems special to each other. It is surely a budding love.  Kyo has already admitted his feelings for her in his heart and I’m looking forward to Tohru do the same and understands her feelings.

This episode showed some very funny moments with Yuki which is something very unusual as episodes that we Yuki focused were mostly dark and gloomy but this episode showed a funny side of Yuki which made us all laugh. First the way he acted showing he is not a morning person was hilarious and then the way he said to kakeru that “Then we’re not friends!” which made him think how could he said such thing to someone was even more hilarious. He acted like a child and I really adored that side of Yuki and his reaction after watching Kakeru getting angry on that childish line cracked me up. It’s nice to have someone to act childish and Kakeru is that person to Yuki. It’s nice to see him getting comfortable around someone at the school, but it’s hard to believe that he finds that comfort around Kakeru as he still seems a little shady to me but I think that their friendship will develop more. Probably it’s the carefree and teasing personality of Kakeru that make Yuki act this way around him and I don’t think that it’s a bad thing for Yuki. Kakeru is really a fascinating character and his interaction with Yuki is always a treat to watch.

Talking about that childish line Yuki said to Kakeru, reminds me of the reason he said to him. It involves Tohru as Kakeru was trying to evaluate his feelings towards her and wanted to see his reaction if he tells him that he likes Tohru. Although it is very evident that Tohru is very dear to Yuki infact the dearest person in his life but he doesn’t see her romantically. The way he becomes protective for her doesn’t seem romantic. He clearly said that he doesn’t mind if someone is romantically involved with her but he will not tolerate it if that person hurts her feelings. Although he was saying to Kakeru but he actually meant it for Kyo. It was probably because the way Kyo behaved around Tohru earlier. Yuki is fine with Kyo having feelings for Tohru but all he cares about is for Tohru to be treated as she deserves. Yuki truly loves Tohru but not romantically and wants her to be happy so he keeps eye on her protectively.

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 17: Review

It was nice to see a happy and childish Yuki. He seems like a completely different person and I’m happy to see him like this. He has made so much efforts to be like this and this was a major change in his character. It made me smile how he raised his hand towards the sky, thinking that one day he will laugh on this memory. This is another positive change as he has always been looking back to his dark memories but it’s good to see him making memories that he feels would make him laugh in future. He picked a floating autumn leaf which is the symbolism for change. This indicates that he is willing to put all his bad memories behind and move forward towards the happiness. And then there is another sweet moment that shows blooming love but his time it’s between Yuki and Machi as Yuki gives that leaf to Machi as a souvenir. The whole transition of him grabbing the leaf and handing it over to Machi indicates that their relation is going to be a little more intimate and I’m looking forward to it.  The way Machi hold that leaf and stared it was adorable. Although there hasn’t much revealed about her but I really want to know her story as she seems quite an interesting character. I’m looking forward to her backstory.

And the episode ended with blushing Kyo and I must admit that it made my heart beat fast when Kyo caught Tohru working on her zodiac figurines and completing it with cat zodiac. The way he reacted on that realizing how much Tohru cares for him was very adorable and I loved him more when he said that she needs to fill it with color.

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 17: Review

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