Immortal Hounds
Manga News

‘Final Arc’ With 7th Volume of Immortal Hounds Manga

On Tuesday it was disclosed by the third and last assembled volume of manga Shinazu no Ryōsen by Ryō Yasohachi that the manga will have its last arc that will be started on 15 February in the 71st issue of Kadokawa’s Harta magazine. The manga will have its 7th volume having the same name.Immortal Hounds

In May 2018 the name of the manga Immortal Hounds was changed into Shinazu no Ryōsen. The final volume with the name Immortal Hounds was the 6th volume which was dispatched in July 2017 by Kadokawa.

The Immortal Hounds was certified by Vertical and the 6th volume was issued in January 2018. The story is explained by the manga in following manner:

There is other truth that human beings don’t die. If they are wounded or unwell they just kill themselves and soon come back into being. An infection name Ressurrection Deficiency Syndrome spread by the means of public through Vectors. Then a force is strong minded to resolve this mystery of RDS but some flee artists are creating hinder for them.

In 2013 in the 6th issue of Harta Yasohachi issued Immortal Hounds.


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