Due to COVID-19 Digimon Adventure: and Healin' Good Precure Postponed New Episodes
Anime News

Due to COVID-19 Digimon Adventure: and Healin’ Good Precure Postponed New Episodes

Due to COVID-19 Digimon Adventure: and Healin' Good Precure Postponed New Episodes

On Monday it was declared by the authorized websites of the anime Digimon Adventure: by Toei Animation and the anime Healin’ Good Precure that they are going to postpone the upcoming episodes because of the spread of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19). On April 26 it was planned that the fourth episode of the anime The Digimon Adventure: is going to broadcast, but now the same timeslot is going to broadcast a rerun of the previously ended anime GeGeGe no Kitarō of the Toei Animation series.

Similarly it was planned that the 13th episode of the anime The Healin’ Good Precure is going to broadcast but now it is going to broadcast specific episodes from the previous 12 episodes.

Both of the websites are going to disclose a later date that when the new episodes is going to recommence.

Earlier today new episodes were also postponed similarly by Toei Animation series One Piece in a declaration.

On April 5 the anime Digimon Adventure: was debuted in Japan. The anime is being telecast by Crunchyroll as it broadcast in Japan.

On February 2 the anime The Healin’ Good Precure was debuted in Japan. It was originally planned that the anime movie The Eiga Precure Miracle Leap: Minna to Fushigi na 1-nichi is going to release on March 20 but got postponed in order to assist the control of the spread of COVID-19. It is planned to release the movie on May 16.

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