On January 5 the February issue of the Mag Garden’s Monthly Comic Garden magazine issued the last chapter of the manga version of the original television anime project Keishichō Tokumu-bu Tokushu Kyōaku-han Taisaku-Shitsu Dai-Nana-ka -Tokunana- by Namazakana. On March 14 the subsequent assembled book volume o f the manga was dispatched. In 2019 the manga […]
Within the realm of anime storytelling, a range of character archetypes are commonly employed, including the familiar -dere types like tsundere and yandere, as well as archetypal roles like school delinquents, class representatives, and energetic girls. Particularly prevalent in this array of characters is the ‘imouto’ or younger sister archetype. This focus on younger siblings […]
On Friday the last volume of the manga Banrai no Hekatoncheir by Tsuyoshi Watanabe was issued by this year’s third volume of Kadokawa’s Young Dragon Age magazine. On August 9 the third and last volume of the manga is going to be dispatch. The manga fixates on Tokio Rokuō, a kid tracker who has by […]