Anime Reviews

Dr. Stone Episode 9 Review: Defeating Darkness

Dr. Stone

Dr. Stone seems to get more interesting in its new episode. Although series was quite rough in the beginning but after watching this week’s episode it is surely getting into high gear.  The new village with some beautiful visuals and some new amazing characters have added charm to the series.

The kingdom of science is getting in the groove and villagers seems to be thankful to Senku’s ramen. However, the new character Gen Asagiri seems is a big hurdle who has been sent as an agent by Tsukasa in order to confirm his death but Asagiri is a man of his own interest and choose to stay with him to examine his loyalty towards kingdom of Science. Meanwhile, we get to see Senku working successfully and with the help of new members invented iron, generators and finally bestowed the world of stone with light

The new character Asagiri somewhat reminds us of Reigen from Mob Psycho 100. We can see some similarities in terms of maintaining balance between humor for the audience and deceiver as a character. Although, Reigen was a favorite character of many Mob Psycho 100 fans, we can’t compare him with Asagiri at this point but it’s fascinating to have him in Kingdom of Science

Ginro and Jiro joining Kingdom of Science is another good thing happened this week. It was enthralling to see funny duo threatening Asagiri along with Koharu. It feels good to see them doing some work rather than just guarding the bringe

The final scene was visually appealing but one really needs a pair of goggles to watch the stone world being flooded with light.

The most amazing part of the series is that we can totally relate it with the real world where we see technological advancement every day and can’t stop to think how phenomenal these things are. The invention of light in the final scene gave the same impression especially when Senku gave speech about light and dark and said it was a conquest of dark.

The series seems to reflect the history of mankind as we can see Senku picking invention from all over the history like generator, pulley systems and guns. It feels like they are moving forward to the Enlightenment period (1650s-1780s). It was the period when great minds challenged society’s religion, cultural norms and political structure. If Senku keeps challenging the norms and values of villagers. However, it will raise some issues and conflicts but we hope to see a Scientific Revolution in the series.

It’s just a beginning of the series getting to the right direction but we hope that it keep us intrigue this way in the upcoming episodes as well.

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