Kimetsu Yaiba
Anime Reviews

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Episode 25: Review

Kimetsu Yaiba

Tanjiro’s struggle finally pays off as the extravagant training continues beyond it limits. He has become stronger and active. Zenitsu and Inosuke are way behind and need to work a lot. Let’s discuss what happens in the episode.

Tanjiro keeps working on his controlled breathing while getting help from three kakushi. Zenitsu and Inosuke have realized that are being lazy and are ashamed of it. They ask Shinobu about Tanjoro’s training, under which is being trained. They also learns about concentration breathing and are convinced to give it a try. The boys are back in action.  We also get to learn about Kanao’ sad history and how she came across Shinobu and Kanae Kocho in the past. A new demon is introduced in the end of the episode who has to be slayed.

The cheer trio are the most adorable. Despite of having their own work task, they keep taking care of Tanjiro. They continue to keep looking after him even when he is sleeping to see he if he is keeping up with his concentration breathing. It must be tiring for them but they are happy to help as they are true supporters of Tanjiro.

Shinobu can be very smart when it comes to words she use. We learned this when she told Giyu that he is not like by anyone. She is not just persuasive and fluent with her words but quick-witted as well. She know how to persuade someone for a desirable action.  She knows how to boot up Zenitsu and Inosuke in their respective ways. She challenges Inosuke so that he would get energize and cheer up Zenitsu as all he needs is some gentle support to get going. Kudos to Shinobu! There is nothing she can’t do.

The swordsmiths getting angry on Tanjiro and Inosuke was the most hilarious scene. You can’t help but laugh uncontrollably in the scene when they were excited to get the swords and ends up being were chased by Haganezuka with a knife. The laughter continued when Tanjiro genuinely apologize while swordsmith leaves and Inosuke grasp Tanjiro’s shirt.

The next episode which is titled as ‘New Mission’ seems like introduction to a new season. It is very unlikely that the demon slayers will hunt down the newly introduced demon and the entire story about this demon will unfold in one episode. This is definitely a cliffhanger.

Watching younger version Shinobu was quite shocking. She was very different back then. She was impulsive, sassy and self-satisfied. Compared to her younger self, it seems like she has adopted some aspects of sister’s personality. This reminds of the previous episode when she talked about her sister that honoring her sister does not only means to show sympathy towards demons. She has been devastated after demon killed her and her sister’s memories are the only thing left with her.

Kanao’s past history was no less terrifyingly tragic. She had been abused by her own parents. She was found by Kocho’s sisters. This can also be the reason why Shinobu mimics her sister. She tries to give love and protection to Kanao like her sister had cared for her. This is getting very emotional.

The boys are back in action. Unluckily, we will get to see them in action one last time. Hopefully there would be a season 2. Eagerly waiting for the next episode.



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