10 Best Demon Human Romance Anime
Anime Reviews

10 Best Demon Human Romance Anime That You Must Watch

The greatest demon girl human boy romance anime transforms traditional stories about humans, devils, angels, and other supernatural beings into something fresh and interesting. These anime explore the numerous elements of the demon genre, from stories of forbidden love to all-consuming desire. These romantic anime break down two barriers and offer us something fresh and intriguing.

Here we will cover 10 Best Demon Girl Romance Anime. Let’s have a look on the list.

1. Yusibu


As it turns out, the man who vanquished the demon lord also works in the same business, it appears that anime grew tired of assigning employment to demon girls and chose to make her work at a modest electronics store.

For a series with a demon disguised as a person, the idea is rather standard, but along the way, you receive fan service that goes above and above, so what more do you need. Even while it gives the impression that the show is less serious, Yusibu also knows how to give everything a lighter tone, which makes it entertaining to watch.

2. Omamori Himari

Omamori Himari

Ever imagine a society in which cat girls are the heroes and demon girls are the antagonists. However, a man in Japan somehow developed this concept and wrote Omamori Himari. Here we have a cat girl who becomes the main character’s protector and a demon girl who tries to kill her.

It seems that their only thing in common is a cat allergy. Omamori Himari enters a totally unrelated path, and that path appears to be a copy of To Love-Ru, but that is a whole unrelated tale.

3. Otome Youkai Zakuro

Otome Youkai Zakuro

The bond between second lieutenant Kei Agemaki and Kushimatsu, the fox spirit, and her four youkai maidens, Zakuro, Susukihotaru, Hoozuki, and Bonbori is the subject of this anime. While maintaining the romance as a subplot, Zakuro addresses a lot about popular themes and tropes while incorporating mystery and folk tales as you progress through the episodes.

However, if that sounds strange to you, the overall plot of this narrative appears to be about fox girls dating military personnel. You can still take pleasure in folklore, though.

In all honesty, the youkai maidens receive more attention in this anime than the soldiers who fight and then return to bask in the fox spirits’ embrace. This is among the best military romances I’ve ever seen, in my opinion.

4. Astarotte’s Toy

Astarotte’s Toy

Remember how people often moan about dudes and their harems? Well, in this anime, it’s all about a crazy girl and her harem, and the very first person to join is a dad who has no idea where he’s headed.

The overall mood of this program is really lighthearted, much like Yusibu, and there is humor flowing throughout, so you won’t need any tissue boxes along the way. There is also a mystery, so keep an eye out for that.

5. The Testament of Sister New Devil

The Testament of Sister New Devil

It’s true that this anime combines two of Japan’s favorites: sisters and devils. This is the tale of Basara Toujou, who unexpectedly gains the two sisters Mio and Maria, two busty redheads. Having two sisters may not seem unpleasant at first, but it soon becomes clear that they are actually demons in disguise.

With these two, Basara now enters into a master-slave relationship and must figure out how to restrain their powers. He must figure up ways to restrain their powers, I say. I said that again so you would be aware of what to anticipate from this anime.

6. Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa

Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa

This time, everything is here vampires, demons, espers, aliens, you name it—and it seems that every species in the universe is drawn to this man. He reminds me of the child who attempts to act independently but secretly has feelings for the girl with green hair. At that point, he learns the girl with the green hair is truly a vampire. A little while later, he also notes that the female has Aqua’s signature green hair.

The comedy factor isn’t as great as it is in some of the other anime on our list, but it still understands how to keep you interested with a little mystery. This reminds me of the ideal high school anime, too.

7. Love Tyrant

Love Tyrant

You must watch this anime. You’ve got the ideal Yuno Gasai, complete with red hair and blades. Seiji is the name of a typical high school student whose name is written in a notebook by a cupid named Guri.

Now, this boy will soon pass away if he doesn’t kiss anyone. Guri invites Seiji to kiss Akane, the most well-liked student, in an effort to stop it. Poor Seiji merely wanted a typical high school existence with a typical girlfriend, but sometimes being the odd man out doesn’t mean you’re also an odd man out with girls.

8. Shingeki no Bahamut

Shingeki no Bahamut

The narrative may begin as a straightforward adventure, but it rapidly broadens its focus to reveal information about a far bigger world and builds to a grand conclusion. Invest in some tissue boxes because it also features an extremely heartbreaking love story.

Humans control one portion, and demons control the other. This was done to stop a demon beast by the name of Bahamut from waking up. Amira, a woman who has a god key, now looks for her missing mother approximately 2000 years later. The bounty hunters Favaro Leone and Kaisar Lidfard help her.

9. So, I Can’t Play H!

So, I Can’t Play H!

The anime begins when Ryousuke Kaga, the main character, encounters Lisara Restall, a stunning redhead who is alone and standing in the rain. who eventually confesses to being a strong Shinigami. She makes a short-term agreement with him to drain his energy while she stays in the mortal world, but she soon learns that Ryousuke can only think of specific things to replenish his energy.

Their predicament deteriorates worse with time. Given that this anime has the word “ecchi” in bold right in front of it, just assume that when things get serious, fan service will take precedence over romance.

10. 3 * 3 Eyes

3 * 3 Eyes

Please stop being so depressed when you watch the animation. You guys ought to occasionally watch some vintage anime. This is incredibly wonderful, so if the animation throws you off, just stick with it and watch it through to the finish to realize how excellent it is.

Our protagonist is already a devil in this anime. You’re right, it was about demon girls and human lads, but the title makes that clear. What if I told you that this boy wants nothing more than to become a human?  He’s actually a three-eyed demon, the last of his kind, it turns out.

Final Thoughts

You can’t get enough of the kind of romance anime that these are. These tales feature everything a good demon-human romance anime should have: challenges, passionate feelings, forbidden love, and an unexpected twist. Hope you will like our list.

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