Cute Anime Characters who will Melt Your Heart
Anime Reviews

Cute Anime Characters who will Melt Your Heart

In anime, characters’ personalities are often blown way out of proportion for comic effect. It’s hard not to have a soft spot for protagonists that are unabashedly childlike, innocent, and pure. Even though the rest of the plot is bleak and dramatic, the story needs such folks to keep the optimistic thread alive.

Anime fans can’t help but become completely preoccupied with them due to their lovable quirks and extreme timidity. In this article, we will cover a list of 35 Cute Anime Characters who will Melt Your Heart.

1. Sawaki Kuronuma – Kimi ni Todoke

Sawaki Kuronuma -Cute anime characters

Kuronuma is so precious that she doesn’t even want to cause trouble for the guy she likes. Even though she has been the target of bullying because of her beauty, she continues to view people positively. In anime form, she is a model of innocence.

2. Tamaki Suoh – Ouran High School Host Club

Tamaki Suoh - Ouran High School Host Club

Tamaki is complete without malice and never resorts to schemes or plans. Almost always, the rest of the gang is smarter than him, and his responses when he blunders are amusing. Even though he’s the heir to massive wealth, he’s a regular guy who cares most about the well-being of his club and his girlfriend, Haruhi Fujioka.

3. Megumi Kato – Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata

Megumi Kato - Cute Anime Characters

Megumi is a cute girl with “great proportions,” dark brown eyes, and straight, chestnut-brown hair that is usually worn down but long enough to pull up into a ponytail. Tomoya says Megumi’s “normal,” as she is usually seen in her school uniform or casual clothes.

4. Kagura – Gintama

Kagura - Cute anime character

Kagura’s eyes are a deep blue, and her hair is a fiery red. She frequently wears a bright red cheongsam with yellow accents. There are two knots, one on each side of her head, and they are each ornamented. She often uses a purple umbrella to shield herself from the sun when she goes outside. In the first two bonus episodes, she is described as having a “lovely look”. Her physique is ripped much like every other Yato’s.

5. Megumin – Konosuba

Megumin - Cute anime character

Megumin has shoulder-length dark brown hair and oddly calm red eyes. She’s doll-like and fair-skinned. Megumin is petite compared to her Crimson Village classmates. Megumin wears a black cloak, red robe, orange boots, a black wizard’s cap with gold trim, a choker, a belt, and fingerless gloves in a witch costume. Megumin’s left leg is black-stocked and his right leg is bandaged. A red diamond floats on her brown staff.

6. Tohru Honda – Fruits Basket

Tohru Honda - Fruits Basket

Tohru has an infectiously positive outlook on life and is exceptionally charitable with trolls. Akito was the only zodiac who didn’t warm up to her right away; he even tried to physically attack her. She’s also not great at picking up on subtleties, but it’s hilarious to watch her become all tongue-tied and embarrassed around Kyo.

7. Rem – Re:Zero

Rem - Re:Zero

Rem, a young woman, has medium-length, sky-blue hair that conceals her huge, light-blue eyes and babyish features. She also has a maid’s hairband, a floral ribbon, and hair clips in her left side-parted hair. She looks just like her sister, save for a few minor details like the hair, eyes, and ribbon being a different shade. She usually hides the fact that her breasts are somewhat larger than her sister’s by altering the measurements of the maid uniform she wears.

8. Raphtalia – The Rising of the Shield Hero

Raphtalia cute

Raphtalia always manages to put a grin on the screen audience’s face. She’s adorable, has a great heart, and injects a refreshingly positive vibe into the screen. In spite of everything she’s been through, her carefree attitude is an example of the best of what we should all strive for.

9. Elsie – The World God Only Knows


Elsie’s long, dark hair, which she wears in a ponytail, has natural curls when it’s left to loosen. She wears a runaway spirit sensor and a contract collar around her neck, as do most members of the Runaway Spirit Squad. She used to accessorize her standard Mai-High female outfit with a pair of pink knee-high socks. Elsie is an overly optimistic and vivacious person.

10. Tsukasa Hiiragi – Lucky Star

Tsukasa Hiiragi

Tsukasa has a straight body. Like Konata, she is little. Her shoulder-length light purple hair is worn with a yellow headpiece with a bow that moves depending on her mood. Her droopy “tareme” blue-violet eyes look helpless, anxious, and forlorn. Like Miyuki, Tsukasa Hiiragi is naive, innocent, and imbecilic. Her sister, Kagami, a Tsundere, is tougher, tomboyish, and arrogant, unlike her.

11. Sawako Kuronuma – Kimi ni Todoke

Sawako Kuronuma

Sawako looks like Sadako Yamamura, the protagonist of Japanese horror films, with her white skin, thin lips, large brown eyes, and long black hair. Her smile is so rare and lovely that it is thought to bring good fortune to all who see it. Sawako takes like her mother in appearance and build, although she shares her father’s diminutive size.

The colder months find her wearing a blue jacket over her school uniform, while the warmer months find her wearing a short-sleeved dress over it. Because she respects school policy and does not tug or roll her skirt, it falls to her knees. She has no interest in cosmetics or jewelry.

12. Popura Taneshima – Working!!

Popura Taneshima

Taneshima is an upbeat person, thus it bothers her when adults treat her like a child. She is always looking for calm. She has no idea why Jun Satou keeps playing with her hair. However, she is the one who first realizes Yachiyo cares about Satou. She has finally put on some height since the end of the show, but it hasn’t made her feel any better about herself.

13. Tony Chopper – One Piece

Tony Chopper

Chopper, a combination of humans and reindeer, can adapt his appearance to fit the mood of the situation. Chopper encountered the leader of his former herd while searching for the Amiudake, and the man viciously injured him. Hiriluk gave him a huge, pink/red fluffy hat with a slanted medical cross on it. Like his headwear, it is blue and features a medical cross-oriented perpendicularly. Incredible blue nostrils are one of his best features.

14. Nana – Elfen Lied


Nana through a lot of trauma at a young age. In the manga adaptation “Elfen Lied,” Nana plays a pivotal role. In this role, she plays a young “Diclinous” with psychic powers and telekinetic hands that can’t be seen. Nana is forced to do hard work that is above her ability so that she can please her instructor, whom she calls “Papa.” A pure and compassionate psychic, Nana captivates audiences with her sincerity and commitment to helping people in need.

15. Eri – My Hero Academia

Eri cute

Eri is a short young lady with long, wild, bluish-off-white hair that is parted down the middle of her forehead. Her big, crimson, innocent eyes are striking. When she activates her Quirk, a small brown horn appears on the right-hand side of her forehead. When Eri accidentally caused her father to disappear with her Quirky and Kai Chisaki experimented on her, but her mother disapproved and the youngster grew frightened and reclusive.

16. Nadeshiko Kagamihara – Yuru Camp

nadeshiko kagamihara

Nadeshiko wears her pink hair in two ponytails at the nape of her neck, held in place with white ruffled scrunchies. Her eyes are a light shade of blue. She wears a light pink ruffled shirt under a pink checkered jacket, black tights, green and white lace-up shoes, grey fingerless mittens, and an orange scarf while camping. Nadeshiko is a bubbly and energetic young lady who can be quickly agitated by the slightest thing. She has an insatiable hunger and loves to eat.

17. Umaru Doma – Himouto! Umaru-chan

Umaru Doma

Umaru’s ‘outside’ mode is always in the spotlight. She is tall and lithe with pale skin, rosy cheeks, and dark brown eyes. She has honey-blonde hair that falls to her shoulders and is styled into loose waves at the sides of her face, with short bangs covering her forehead. Occasionally, she’ll put her hair into a tiny ponytail. Her true appearance, or “interior mode,” is that of a chibi-style toddler. The form is a reflection of her immature, slovenly, and messy nature.

18. Chika Fujiwara – Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai

Chika Fujiwara

Chika is a cute, fair-skinned girl with silver hair, blue eyes, and a bigger chest than Kaguya Shinomiya despite being shorter. Now and then, she wears a high ponytail in her hair. Her everyday attire consists of a Shuchi’in Academy outfit. Chika is an easygoing and cheerful young lady. She is the one who usually plans offbeat activities and events for the student council. As she has no idea how the other people in the room are feeling, she is unpredictable and poses a danger to Kaguya Shinomiya and Miyuki Shirogane’s plans to force the others to confess.

19. Izumi Zagiri – Eromanga Sensei

Izumi Zagiri

Izumiis a classic hikikomori. She has a soft spot for art but is painfully shy and often embarrassed. She eventually grew fond to her brother, who she had loathed at first. She’s really shy and needs a speaker to be heard, but while she’s painting for the camera, she gets very lively. Sagiri keeps a really neat and orderly home. She became jealous of her brother and extremely worried about him, to the point of temper outbursts. One of her goals is to see the anime she and Masamune created together.

20. Nadeko Sengoku – Bakemonogatari

Nadeko Sengoku

Nadeko is a young brunette with chocolate-colored eyes. She wore a waist pouch, an orange cap, a pink shirt, and baggy denim to hide the jagirinawa cursed scars on her body. Her long bangs often obscure her eyes, making her look down. Her headgear is styled after the snout of the imaginary snake that plagues her. Nadeko is reserved, although she laughs easily. She’s more concerned with keeping her hair in place than her underwear. As the effects of the snake curse worsen, she comes to rely more and more on Koyomi.

21. Yui Hirasawa – K-ON!

Yui Hirasawa

Yui is courageous and has no trouble performing in front of an audience. She is most happy when she is in close proximity to other people and gets lots of hugs and kisses. The sweets from Tsumugi’s shop serve as inspiration for her, and her health prevents her from gaining weight no matter how much she consumes. The kotatsu warms her in the winter and a fan chills her in the summer. Because she is a sluggish student, Yui’s grades are almost usually in the failing range, with the exception of her fine arts classes.

22. Kanade Tachibana – Angel Beats!

Kanade Tachibana

Kanade is a lovely kuudere anime heroine with white hair that reaches her waist and is held in place by a hair clip; gold eyes that flash red or brown depending on the light; and a general aura of mystery. Kanade appears neither more nor less intelligent than the average human being.

23. Kosaki Onodera – Nisekoi

Kosaki Onodera

Kosaki is a young girl with light skin, dark brown hair that falls to his shoulders, and dark brown eyes. The tall and slender Kosaki. Kosaki is a sweet and obedient young lady who nurses Raku Ichij back to health whenever he is hurt or ill. She has second thoughts about coming clean to Raku because she thinks he has feelings for Chitoge Kirisaki. Kosaki needs Ruri Miyamoto’s support because he has low self-esteem. Because Kosaki’s younger sister Haru Onodera is so worried about her, she is constantly being watched.

24. Taiga Aisaka – Toradora

Taiga Aisaka

Taiga is in her teens, but her diminutive frame makes her look much younger. As a result, Ami makes fun of her. Taiga inherits her father’s enormous irises, which are a dark amber color, and her hair is long and wavy a light brown color, and it falls past her waist. She feels self-conscious about her “flat-chested” appearance, but she often makes up for it with her intimidating stare or threatening remarks. Others commented on how stunning she was.

25. Rikka Takanashi – Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions

Rikka Takanashi

Rikka Takanashi is a student at the Icho Private High School. She is a Chunii, in contrast to Yuuta, who is a Chun. She is under the impression that she is a sorceress who possesses the “Tyrant’s Eye.” Her so-called “Tyrant’s Eye” is covered with a patch for medical reasons. Her “clients” are those who have been granted access to her “Tyrant’s Eye.” She moved in with her sister Tka Takanashi into the apartment that was located just above Yuuta’s.

26. Inori Yuzuriha – Guilty Crown

Inori Yuzuriha

Inori had two-tubed pigtails, a red clip on her left cheek, and soft pink hair that faded into hot pink. Inori had red eyes and small, glossy lips. Her skinny legs and small body made her look weak. Wearing a red leotard with a cutout, red-orange spoilers, and high-cut red gloves. She wears a short black dress with a white lining and red ribbons when she’s not fighting. Her red floral leotards are swapped out for white ones.

27. Tsumugi Inuzuka – Amaama to Inazuma

Tsumugi Inuzuka

Tsumugi is a beautiful young lady with dirty blonde hair that reaches her hips and is normally worn loose and frizzy, but can also be seen in a ponytail when she wears a cap to cover her sparkling green eyes. At the beginning of grade school in the manga, she cuts her hair short like her mother. Tsumugi is a cheerful young lady who enjoys spending time in the kitchen at Kotori Iida’s restaurant. She has the utmost respect for her dad and would never do anything to make him angry.

28. Kisa Sohma – Fruits Basket

Kisa Sohma

Kisa’s friends, Tohru and Hiro, think she’s adorable because she’s skinny and has fair skin and big amber eyes. She wears her blonde hair in a bob with an untidy fringe and one or two strands pulled back to frame her face. Kisa is typically seen in her school uniform, light purple fitting sweaters with dark purple sleeves and a yellow ribbon around the collar. A short skirt of a light purple hue is also included, along with long white stockings and brown loafers. As an added bonus, she enjoys donning feminine garb whenever possible. She occasionally takes Tohru’s clothes and also likes to put ribbons in her hair.

29. Kawamoto Momo – March Comes in like a Lion

Kawamoto Momo

Kawamoto Momo is the youngest of three sisters. This adorable three-year-old has had to adjust to life without her parents, but she has done so with the help of her loving aunts, uncle, and grandmother. Her upbeat nature has been known to reduce the normally gloomy Rei Kiriyama to tears. Little Momo has pink cheeks, green eyes, and pink hair that curls toward her face.

30. March – To Your Eternity


March is characterized by her long black hair and dark eyes. March had remnants of black face paint on her from her time spent in the neighborhood. Dressed in a light brown dress and accessorized with a toy crab, she sports a hemp headband. March clearly enjoys eating mud while playing “house” with her dolls and Parona.

Her primary goal in life was to start a family, and she frequently voiced her distaste for growing up. While March’s sense of justice is mature for her age, she lacks the emotional maturity to persevere through challenging situations, therefore she becomes outraged when she is told that she must be sacrificed to attain her goals.

31. Kanna Kamui – Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid

Kanna Kamuianime

Kanna possesses icy lavender hair and icy blue eyes. As far as Riko Saikawa is concerned, she’s absolutely adorable. Pink tops, white fluffy skirts, and pastel doll shoes are her uniform. Three royal blue beads decorate each of her pigtails. A fair-skinned dragon with blue eyes is her dragon form. She covers her tail and her wings whenever she goes outside. Like Tohru, she conceals her horns while she’s out in public. Kanna is reserved and evasive, communicating primarily through her body language. Kanna is older than most humans, but she still acts like a child, disliking routine and preferring to spend her time playing.

32. Kazari Uiharu – Toaru Majustsu No Index

Kazari Uiharu

Uiharu’s demeanor is often shy and retiring, although she is always warm and welcoming. She’s just as bubbly as her best friend Saten Ruiko. Since she has established this “limit” for herself, she is able to maintain her composure for the most part. Without it, as shown at the Tokiwadai Dormitory Festival, she becomes extremely active and, at times, airheaded.

33. Naru Kotoishi – Barakamon

Naru Kotoishi - Barakamon

Naru has short brown hair and huge brown eyes. Her left fringe is held up by a short ponytail. She often wears a short-sleeved white t-shirt over her aqua-blue slacks. Her left-hand wears yellow-green jewelry and dark brown shoes. Naru is a joyful, playful child. She frequents Seishuu’s house and has no sense of privacy.

34. Nezuko Kamado – Demon Slayer

Nezuko Kamado - Demon Slayer

Nezuko undergoes a diabolical transformation. Although she cannot communicate, her actions reveal much about her character: she puts her brother’s well-being ahead of her own and is willing to put herself in harm’s way to protect him. Anime viewers may have forgotten Nezuko’s impressive fighting skills, but they haven’t forgotten his cute antics. Her pink, innocent eyes have enchanted audiences for years, and her star power is only going to rise as the story progresses.

35. Mio Akiyama –  K-On!

Mio Akiyama -  K-On!

Mio is quiet and reserved by nature. She is reticent and reserved, even with close friends, and spends a lot of time alone writing music. She has always been timid and insecure, so she succumbed to Ritsu’s mockery and hid in her books. Despite her notoriety, she is quite sensitive to other people’s attention and has few friends outside of the Light Music Club. It is simpler to say than to do. She is easily embarrassed and finds it difficult to take her bandmates’ practical jokes and pranks. Since the bass guitar is less obvious than the guitar, Mio chose to pick it up.

Final Thoughts

Okay, now you know, anime enthusiasts! There are 36 Cute anime characters who will melt your heart. This list, however, was compiled based on our own standards for what makes a cute protagonist and is by no means exhaustive. Is there a lovable cartoon person or thing we’re missing? Leave a comment below telling us which adorable characters you think should be added and why they should be featured. And have fun as usual!

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