Boruto Characters - Protagonists and Antagonists of Boruto
Anime Reviews

Boruto Characters – Protagonists and Antagonists of Boruto

Boruto Characters: Boruto has a lot to live up to as an anime. Especially in the West, its prequel Naruto is often considered to be the best-loved anime of all time. Right now, it might not live up to the standards set by the rest of the series. Yet, it’s worth discussing because of the interesting characters it features. Without further ado, here is a complete list of the important characters from Boruto.

Boruto Uzumaki

Boruto Uzumaki

Boruto Uzumaki, the main character, comes here to introduce himself. It appears that he takes after his father in that he is quite the prankster. But that’s not the only characteristic he got from his father; he also has his mother’s eyes. You see, just like his father, Borut is prepared to engage in any activity in order to achieve the success he seeks. They fell in love with Naruto because of his sheer level of tenacity, and they fell in love with Boruto for the same reason.

Boruto is the first child to be born to Naruto and Hinata Uzumaki, who went on to have Himawari, their second child, two years after Boruto. Boruto eventually became familiar with the numerous children of his parents’ childhood acquaintances because his parents maintained tight relationships with their circle of friends throughout the years.


Ao boruto character

Ao has never been anything but a character with a traditional outlook. He is of the opinion that males should always be strong and composed. Someone like him doesn’t like to say much and is pretty much just observant most of the time, which is to be expected given his personality. In addition to this, he is one of the very few people outside of the Hyuga clan that possesses a Byakugan, but it was placed in him artificially.

Since he was a young lad, Ao fought on the battlefields. After defeating a member of the Hyga clan in the Third Shinobi World War, he stole one of their Byakugan and had it surgically inserted into his right eye. With it, he was able to decipher the genjutsu cast upon the Fourth Mizukage and predict that even when it was dispelled, the Fourth Mizukage would still die. Years after the war, Ao ran across Shisui Uchiha, and the experience left such an impression on Ao that he can still recall the details of Shisui’s powers and the color of his chakra.


Boro Boruto characters

The most accurate descriptors of this individual’s personality are “deceptive,” “egotistical,” and “self-absorbed,” respectively. He went so far as to believe that God had hand-picked him to be the one who would bring salvation to all people. The most problematic aspect of him is the fact that he possesses significant powers, which makes him an extremely dangerous adversary.

Boro carried himself with an air of extreme self-assurance, almost to the point of arrogance. He openly held the belief that he was a man selected by God and laughed at Victor’s misfortunes, claiming that Victor was abandoned by God. In the same breath, he was ready to defy commands with which he disagreed and conceal the truth in order to achieve the goals he set for himself.


Asaka Boruto Characters

Asaka and his brother had a difficult childhood because they were orphaned. As a result of this, he finds great joy in appreciating the simpler things in life, such as love and beauty. In spite of the many challenges and setbacks he faced, he eventually became a skilled ninja who specialized in water-based tactics.

Asaka was a man who gave his all to all he did. He would gladly give up his life in order to help his comrades and complete their mission. This was a direct result of the struggles he faced during his upbringing. Because he knew what it was like to go through hardships in life, he appreciated even the little moments of happiness that he could find.

Chōchō Akimichi

Chōchō Akimichi

Some things are just passed down from generation to generation, and in Akimichi’s family, the value placed on a full meal takes precedence over anything else. She has a terrible pattern of never refusing food, which contributes to her overweight appearance, which can be endearing at times. But, you should avoid calling her overweight because doing so might be your last mistake.

When it comes to eating, Chocho never declines an invitation that’s extended to her. This is made abundantly clear by the fact that she regularly opts out of her scheduled training with the other members of Ino–Shika–Cho in order to eat with her sensei, Anko Mitarashi. Chch acted as if she didn’t care about the repercussions, rather than as if she was repentant for her actions.

Chōji Akimichi

Chōji Akimichi

Choji’s primary preoccupation, much like that of her daughter, is with food. For several of his powers, he has to consume a lot of food. Because of this, his tendency to overeat is acceptable, however yours is not; therefore, you shouldn’t model your behavior after his.

Choji is an exceptionally courteous, thoughtful, and kind individual. According to his father Choza and his previous instructor, Asuma Sarutobi, these qualities were considered to be his greatest strength, while his lack of self-confidence was considered to be his greatest flaw.

Akita Inuzuka

Akita Inuzuka

Akita was quite successful in his role as a field ninja. Despite this, she quickly developed an interest in scientific study and investigation. Her number one goal is ensuring that her dog Chamaru is protected at all times, and the advancement of technology follows in a close second.


Chōjūrō Boruto characters

It is reasonable to anticipate that this individual, who is one of the elite seven swordsmen, will have a hostile demeanor. On the other hand, he appears to be a weak nerd in actuality. And in this particular instance, appearances do not lie because is a very reserved individual. In spite of the fact that he has a poor personality, he is a formidable adversary.

Chojuro is a reserved person who appears to lack confidence in his own talents, despite the fact that he is a member of the prestigious Seven Swordsmen club. He also has a great deal of respect and admiration for the Fifth Mizukage, as evidenced by the fact that he privately remarked that he want to safeguard her “lovely smile.”

Anko Mitarashi

Anko Mitarashi

In the Boruto series, she plays the role of the kind and pleasant woman. But, in the past, she was known to be a somewhat harsh instructor. If she is your superior and you disobey her orders, you could get into some severe problems. She has a penchant for sweet things and enjoys stuffing her face with dumplings on a regular basis, which is surprising given how stringent she is.

Both Naruto Uzumaki and Anko are known to be outspoken, obstinate, and prone to react without thinking before doing so. Anko is often compared to Naruto. When Naruto made fun of her on the first time they met, her instant reaction was to hurl a kunai at him and suck the blood from the wound that she caused. This has left Naruto feeling uneasy around her.

Ereki Kaminarimon

Ereki Kaminarimon

He is a man who is extremely focused on business, and he is always thinking about the future. He has a lot of faith in shinobi, as seen by the fact that he openly attributes the success of his firm to the victories he won during the Fourth Shinobi War. As a result, as he hopes that his son Denki will one day take over the family business, he believes that in order for Denki to be successful, he must first become skilled in ninjutsu in addition to his academic studies.

It’s a breath of fresh air to see someone like Ereki Kaminarimon in an anime where the most of the characters are overly excited ninjas. During the fourth great ninja battle, he made the decision to go into business for himself, despite having been a shinobi in the past. And as a result of his enormous success, he now lives a lavish lifestyle.


Delta Boruto Character

There are several similarities between Delta and a wicked witch. Because she is both haughty and quick-tempered, she can be hard to read most of the time, which contributes to the fact that she is one of the most difficult people to forecast. She does have a typical human side, as evidenced by the fact that she worries a lot about how much she weighs.

Delta’s short fuse makes her destructive at times, as evidenced by the time she kicked a table at which her commander was dining as a way to express her annoyance and get her anger out of her system. She has a laser-like focus on her assignments, to the point where she becomes visibly upset if they are not finished within the allotted amount of time. Jigen noted that in the past she has had concerns over her weight, which may be an indication that she is conscious of how she presents herself.


Code boruto character

Being someone who is an integral part of Kara, Code is an opponent that no one can hope to beat. It is definitely true that along with his immense power comes considerable arrogance, and this is also pretty true for Code. His aspiration is to eventually become a celestial being, and he views all those who are below him with contempt.

Code seems to have a sneering and condescending attitude, as evidenced by the grin he flashed when Jigen put Victor in place and the way he made fun of Delta for being weaker than him. Code evidently believed that he or Boro could handle Naruto, and thus that one of them would be sent in to deal with the Hokage and retrieve Kawaki. In the anime, he expresses regret at Koji’s murder of Victor and wishes he could have prevented it. He has made no secret of his desire to murder those who have wronged him.

Denki Kaminarimon

Denki Kaminarimon

The ninja academy’s resident introvert is a student named Denki. The most problematic aspect of his character had always been the fact that he struggled to speak up for himself when he felt wronged. Yet, Boruto is able to assist him in overcoming his anxiety.

While he started off as a weakling who was easily bullied, his ninjutsu skills have improved the longer he spends at the Academy. Although his skill in battle is still developing, he more than makes up for it with cutting-edge strategies. Because of his abilities, he was able to be one of the first in his class to become a chunin.

Ehou Norimaki

Ehou Norimaki

One who is outgoing! He is extremely dedicated to achieving his dream of becoming a shinobi and practices often with his grandfather in order to do so.

Ehou is a rambunctious young man. He has a profound dedication to achieving his goal of becoming a shinobi, and he looks up to and respects others who share this dedication. As a direct result of this, he is judgmental of others who display wavering and indecision in their actions. Because of his self-assured personality, even his more reclusive classmates will follow his lead.

Urashiki Ōtsutsuki

Urashiki Ōtsutsuki

Urashiki is a breath of fresh air despite the fact that the rest of the Otsutsuki clan is packed with dull folks who give off the impression that they haven’t laughed in generations. He has a personality that is on the whole very admirable and enjoys joking around every once in a while.

It has been established that Urashiki possesses a temperament that is more easygoing and lighthearted than that of his fellow soldiers. He is quite willing to joke along with Momoshiki and Kinshiki, and he makes light of the seriousness with which they approach things. However, he is faithful to his clan, and while he is not beyond joking when carrying out a job, he still obeys the rules. This is demonstrated by the fact that, despite the fact that he desired to murder Toneri, he obeyed the laws of his clan and immobilized him instead.


Tsunade Boruto character

Tsunade was very willing to think that it was possible to realize one’s dreams, and she believed that if she supported and encouraged those dreams, she could be able to contribute to the realization of those dreams. Tsunade lost trust in the idea of dreaming for anything since both of them perished in terrible ways shortly after getting her support. She believed that the sheer pursuit of whatever dream she had would be doomed from the beginning.

She spent the majority of her life in the leaf village being revered as one of the community’s most formidable medical ninjas. Nonetheless, she is quite good at keeping her age a secret. She may be over fifty years old, but she employs a form of jutsu known as transformation to make herself appear to be much younger than she actually is.

Final Thoughts

And, with that, our list and introductions to each of the Boruto characters have come to an end. The only thing left to do is for everyone of you to introduce your preferred Boruto character in the comments section down below!

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