My Hero Academia
Manga Reviews

Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia) Chapter 244: Review

My Hero Academia

Boku no Hero Acedemia was a bit too flat this week. The trainees have left with no option but to follow Endeavor as he scurried towards the villain to stop him.  This villain who seems to be old, controls glass and has arrived to create chaos. No matter how powerful this old villain is, Endeavor use his fire to give him a lesson with his great abilities. Meanwhile, Deku, Bakugo and Shoto have orders to fight the underlings of the villain. But before they could finish the task of taking them down, Hawks shows up and get it done himself. Endeavor gets furious on Hawks for arriving suddenly. Hawks gives the explanation by saying that he was “just simply in the area.” Although he came to describe the book ‘Meta Libration War’ which was being held by the villain. What seems something useless and futile has something very important and meaningful behind it. “A world where we’ve got time to kill” is the phrase that has some deep meaning and Hawks is determined to get the meaning out of it.  We may find out the real meaning to this phrase and its importance in the chapter but this chapter was quite plain which can be skipped.

My Hero Academia


Endeavor has proved in this chapter that he is worthy of the title ‘All Might’ and deserves to praised. Endeavor dealing with the old Villain is the only good thing in this chapter. He quickly sort it out which shows that he is smart and will possibly be able to figure out the meaning of the hidden phrase.

This week’s chapter was a bit confusing and had nothing important to show except for the hidden phrase which is not even figured out yet. The fight screen was quick and fast paced and the trainees didn’t have much to do this week as they didn’t even get to take the underlings down themselves. The only relevant thing occurred in the end when Hawk explains about the phrase. Now let’s just wait for the next chapter to find about the phrase and its meaning.

Also Read:  Boku no Hero Academia Chapter 242: Review

Overall this week chapter of Boku no Hero Acedemia was a bit disappointing. The only enjoyable part was Endeavor putting on a show to settle doe the situation by fighting the glass villain but the only relevant part appeared in the end. Hawk is still acting as a spy and let’s hope his effort of delivering the hidden massage is useful. What does it really mean and why is it so important? Let’s wait for the next chapter to find this out.




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