Top 10 Best Anime that are set in Apocalypse
Anime Reviews

Anime that are set in Apocalypse – Apocalyptic Anime List

The Best Anime that are set in Apocalypse: There’s always been dramatic potential at the end of the world. The apocalypse has been a part of the cultural consciousness for thousands of years, whether it be through the predictions of religious extremists or the stories of cautionary novelists. Given this, it’s not surprising that science fiction and fantasy have explored a broad variety of settings for Anime set during or after the end of the world. In this article, we will cover a short list of the 10 Best Anime that are set in the Apocalypse.

Fist Of The North Star

Fist Of The North Star

In terms of violence, gore, and action, Fist of the North Star is essentially a martial arts version of Mad Max. There are violent gangs competing for control of a devastated Japan.

Then there’s Kenshiro, who ran into trouble when an old adversary abducted his fiancée. While coming to her aid, Kenshiro uses his fists and martial arts skills to restore order to the post-apocalyptic landscape and its inhabitants. This is easier to say than do.


DR. Stone

This anime debuted last year and caused a stir for being a refreshingly original shonen. Simply put, the whole human population was scared, and society collapsed as a result.

The petrification process saved everyone, and thousands of years later, a brilliant adolescent called Senku Ishigami discovers that it is possible to reverse the process. He embarked on this mission with old and new companions alike.

Desert Punk

Desert Punk

However, the world is not quite in post-apocalyptic mode yet, otherwise we would have suggested Tri-Gun. Instead, we present Desert Punk, the anime version of the Fallout games that you would get if Tri-Gun and the Fallout series had a baby.

The premise of Desert Punk is straightforward: Japan has become a vast desert in the distant future. Humanity’s last strongholds uphold the rules they can, but conflicts and power struggles are still typically resolved with gunfire. The shonen-esque mercenary Kanta Mizuno is at the center of it all.

The Promised Neverland

The Promised Neverland

The Promised Neverland is right up there with Dr. Stone in terms of exciting new anime. Only Attack on Titan, another extremely original anime, may be considered a true competitor. The Promised Neverland, in any case, is set in a universe not dissimilar to that of Attack on Titan.

Human beings are little more than livestock to monsters and demons, and the worst part is that kids taste better than adults. This is why there are orphanages all throughout the world. Before long, the news reached three exceptionally bright young people, and they began planning an audacious escape.

From the New World

From the new World

Watching the  the New World is likewise a new and shocking experience. Don’t allow the blood and gore to throw you off; the film is stunning in its own right. Teenagers with the power of telekinesis are at the center of this story.

Since a small fraction of the population was also obtaining these abilities, war and anarchy ensued, ultimately bringing an end to all civilizations. The world is in danger once again as the gifted want to establish their own nation.

High School of The Dead

High School of The Dead

Without the classic zombie apocalypse, the post-apocalyptic genre would be severely lacking. High School of the Dead capitalizes on this by slathering it in gore, shonen action, and fan service.

It’s a pretty straightforward anime in which a bunch of teenagers find themselves in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. While struggling to stay alive, they learn of a larger and more nefarious scheme surrounding the accident.

Gargantia On The Verdurous Planet

Gargantia On The Verdurous Planet

Humans on Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet are so far into the post-apocalypse that they believe Earth, the cradle of civilization, to be nothing more than a fairy tale. That is, until a time-traveling man named Ledo is brought out of stasis by his mech.

Although some humans had managed to stay alive, they were still under attack from a hostile extraterrestrial race that had destroyed many of their technological advancements. One of the most aesthetically appealing anime on this list, Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet is a pleasure for any fan of the science fiction genre.

Humanity Has Declined

Humanity Has Declined

So far, every post-apocalyptic anime you’ve watched has ended on a gloomy, foreboding, and maybe depressing note. That’s why the post-apocalyptic viewpoint in Humanity Has Declined is so new and exciting. The characters match the upbeat, brash, and bright tone of the show.

Due to a lack of resources, humanity is nearly extinct in Humanity Has Decline. So, they asked fairies (for real!) to provide food for them. Despite being labelled “post-apocalyptic,” its zaniness is guaranteed to brighten your day.



Coppelion should appeal to you if you’re looking for a more realistic experience. It’s an anime with a post-apocalyptic plot that takes place in the present day and depicts a nuclear meltdown similar to that which occurred in Chernobyl as the cause of the end of the world.

Three cute girls made it through the radiation and now it’s their job to find more people who made it through the disaster. In the course of their investigation, they find out about threats and hazards that are even more serious than a nuclear meltdown.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

That old school anime, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Anime with a title as ludicrous and excessive as the show itself. The alien race known as the Batsmen have conquered Earth and enslaved its human inhabitants. Until a curious child named Simon and his adopted older brother Kamina uncovered a mech, humans were relegated to living underground.

By banding together, they are able to reverse their post-apocalyptic existence and retake Earth from the Batsmen in an upbeat and shonen manner. You can put your faith in us when we state that nobody has the capacity to fully appreciate the awesomeness of this anime.

Final Thoughts

Interestingly enough, no other form of television shows the tenacity of the human spirit more than anime. After watching everything on Netflix, there is a long list of post-apocalyptic anime you should watch, and we’re here to help you choose the finest. We picked a short list for you guys. Choose the best anime that are set in Apocalypse from the above list and watch.

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