Anime News

A3! Releases Trailer for Season Spring Anime

A3 is a very famous smartphone game and recently has been announced to be adapted into anime. It will start airing in January 2020. It will begin with Spring and Summer Season and will later continue its Season Autumn and Winter in July 2020. The new Spring Anime trailer features boys of spring troupe.

The anime revolves around the theatre company which is going to be shut down. The new general director, izumi Tachibana takes the responsibility to resuscitate the company and hires the new and varied cast of young boys and directs them to perform on the stage in order to protect the company from shutting down. The cast is divided into four separate troupes. The Spring group includes Masumi Usui (voiced by Yusuke Shirai, Sakuya Sakuma (voiced by Kodai Sakai, Tsuzuru Minagi (voiced by Kotaro Nishiyama), Masumi Usui (voiced by Yusuke Shirai), Itaru Chigasaki (voiced by Shintaro Asanuma) and Citron (voiced by Masashi Igarashi).

The opening theme titled, ‘Act! Addict! Actors!’ can be heard in the trailer. It has been performed by the leaders of all four troupes, A3ders. It has been will be written and composed by Masayoshi Oishi who was also the composer of the amazing theme of the game.

The ending themes will be provided by the Spring and Summer troupes. The track ‘Home’ will be performed by the Spring Troupe while the song titled Orange Heart will be given by the Summer Troupe. The songs will indicate the uniqueness of each group.








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