A television anime version of the light novel series Tantei wa Mō, Shindeiru by Nigojū and Umibōzu is being listed by Kadokawa’s description for the March issue of its Monthly Comic Alive magazine.
The novel base on Kimihiko Kimizuka, a third-year secondary school understudy and previous right hand of a criminologist named Siesta. He made Siesta’s associate three years back, 10,000 meters over the ground in a commandeered plane. The two went on one shocking experience after another for a very long time that ultimately finished with Siesta’s inconvenient demise. Left alone, Kimihiko makes an honest effort to reintegrate him back into a typical life.
In November 2019 the primary volume the primary volume in the light novel series alon with drawings by Umibōzu are being issued by Nigojū under the Kadokawa’s MF Bunko J imprint. In 2019 the novel was awarded with the 15th MF Bunko J newcomer award. In November 2020 the fourth volume of the novel was issued by Kadokawa. In May 2020 a manga version of the novels was commenced by Mugiko in the Monthly Comic Alive and in November 2020 the primary assembled book volume of the manga was issued by Kadokawa.