Toei Animation Announces Exciting Sequel to Hana no Ko Lunlun
Toei Animation has thrilled fans with a remarkable announcement—it unveiled a captivating new promotional video, a visually engaging poster, and intriguing story details for the upcoming remake of the classic 1979 television anime, Hana no Ko Lunlun (Lunlun the Flower Child), created in collaboration with Toei Animation Shanghai Enterprises Co., Ltd., and Tencent Video. Interestingly, this new endeavor is not just a remake but is defined as a sequel, expanding the enchanting universe adored by many.
Table of Contents
A Glimpse Into the Story
The animated project, coming to life through the artistic efforts of Wawayu, centers around Lumi, a budding apprentice at a local artisanal perfume maker. Lumi’s life takes an unexpected turn on her journey home one evening when she becomes shrouded in a mysterious dark fog. This encounter leads her to meet a talking black cat who reveals itself as an emissary from the Flowernu planet. This peculiar cat unveils a secret about Lumi’s heritage, guiding her to activate her ancestor’s legendary flower key, thus transforming her into the Flower Child.
The Epic Mission of Lumi
The cat entrusts Lumi with an essential mission for the Flower Capital: to harness her newfound powers as the Flower Child to protect it. This quest involves finding, purifying, and collecting seven mystical petals of the Rainbow Flower. These petals, corrupted by dark magic, have been on a path of corruption, spreading darkness in people’s hearts. Lumi must restore these petals to their original form, becoming a beacon of hope and purity.
Revisiting the Classic Hana no Ko Lunlun
The original Hana no Ko Lunlun captivated audiences when it debuted in February 1979, running successfully for 50 episodes and even inspiring a movie released in March 1980. The series followed the adventures of the Flower Girl, Lunlun, who embarked on a journey to find the Rainbow Flower—a quest crucial for selecting a new ruler for the Flower Planet King.
The Legacy Continues
This modern sequel not only brings new storytelling elements but also reinforces the enduring charm of Hana no Ko Lunlun’s magical world. While staying true to its roots, the sequel introduces modern animation techniques and fresh narrative elements, sure to captivate both new viewers and longtime fans of the series.
Honoring Toei Animation’s Heritage
Toei Animation has long been a cornerstone of Japanese animation, producing timeless classics loved across generations. With this sequel, Toei Animation Shanghai Enterprises Co., Ltd., and Tencent Video hope to introduce a new audience to the fantastical world of flower magic and adventure.
Final Thoughts
The upcoming Hana no Ko Lunlun sequel signifies more than the continuation of a beloved story; it brings to light a blend of nostalgia and innovation, ensuring the magic of flower-borne adventures can continue to enchant and inspire. By bridging past and present, Toei Animation is not only preserving its rich heritage but also paving the way for future tales in the dynamic tapestry of anime storytelling.
Eager fans can anticipate a visual feast blended with a strong, heartwarming narrative that celebrates bravery, purity, and heritage as Lumi embarks on her thrilling journey. As the release countdown begins, both the animation world and devoted followers wait in eager anticipation to embark on this magical journey once more.
Sources: Toei Animation’s YouTube channel, Mainichi Shimbun’s Mantan Web