5 Spring 2020 Anime That You Must Watch

5 Spring 2020 Anime That You Must Watch

5 Spring 2020 Anime That You Must Watch

Although there had been a of problems in the world of anime since the beginning of this year and otaku all over the world have been disappointed for the delay and cancellation of their favorite series that they have been waiting for a long time, but there were many series that released during spring 2020 that were not to be missed by anime fans. In this article we have listed down five best anime of Spring 2020 that were not be missed and if you have missed any of these.


5 Spring 2020 Anime That You Must Watch

Gleipnir may seems a little weird at first glimpse and the first episode is quite eccentric. Despite of all the weird elements in the series, Gleipnir was surprisingly a treat to watch because of its extraordinary art style, thrilling fight scenes and the unique plotline. There were some loopholes in the series with a little bit of flaws but it was something different to watch in spring 2020. It is a total package for the anime fans with some ecchi moments and interesting story associated with aliens. It’s a must-watch series and of the most entertaining anime of spring 2020.

Kaguya-sama: Love is War Season 2

5 Spring 2020 Anime That You Must Watch

The fans of Kaguya-sama: Love is War had been eagerly waiting for the second season which luckily released this spring but there are many fans who skipped this season. This season continues the war of love between the most eccentric duo. The season 2 was as entertaining and hilarious as the previous season and their shenanigans made us laugh hard. If you have watched the previous season then you can’t miss out in the second season.


5 Spring 2020 Anime That You Must Watch

When it comes to work, parents often tend to keep their children away from it but Kakushi Gotou’s circumstances are not like other parents. Being a mangaka of mature content, it is utterly necessary for him to keep his occupation and everything related to it hidden from his daughter. Kakushigoto is a funny story that makes you laugh every time the father’s secret is about to be exposed and he goes to any extent to keep it away from his daughter but sometime it also makes you emotional with the heartwarming moments between the single dad and his daughter. Kakushigoto, being one of the most interesting series in Spring 2020 went unnoticed by many fans but it is highly recommended to the fans who lie to watch comedy series with heartwarming family moments.


5 Spring 2020 Anime That You Must Watch

In today’s world women have are treated equally in every profession as they have proved that they deserve it with their extraordinary talent in various occupations like medicine, art, technology, media or business. The women of today usually don’t have to struggle to enter any field and work freely like men. Arte is set in 16 century when women didn’t have that freedom and it revolves around the titular character Arte who aspires to become a great artist. She belongs to a noble family background but still has to struggle in order to achieve her dream and during her journey she comes across an artisan, Leo who recognizes her talent and help her enhance her skills. Arte is an inspirational story that is not to be skipped and is highly recommended.

Sing “Yesterday” for Me

5 Spring 2020 Anime That You Must Watch

The emotions after graduating college is not unknown to many people. With the end of student life you enter in the professional life where you have to make the most important decision of your life to start you career. We all know how hard that can be and if it is added with the troubles of having feelings for someone out of your league, things become much more complicated. Yesterday wo Utatte is all about those life issues which is why it is a very captivating anime. The confusions and problems that the male protagonist deals with in this anime are very realistic and can be felt by anyone who has gone through it. The supporting characters are equally relatable like Shinako Morinome and Haru Nonaka. Sing “Yesterday” for Me keeps you stick to it till the very end while you get immersed in the troublesome life of Rikuo and this relatable story makes it much more compelling than many other series. It is highly recommended to those who haven’t watched it.

Spring 2020 anime season has ended but these series are still not forgotten even with the beginning of the summer anime season. These shows are worth your time and if you have missed them, you should waste any more time and start binge watching these. What do you think about our list? Let us know what are your favorite series from spring 2020 anime season in the comments section below.

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